By command of His Most High and Mighty Majesty, Charles VIII de Valois, King of France Unto The Citizens of France And The Princes of Christendom   It is with great pleasure that We announce a change of advisor, and, in particular, welcome Our beloved sister Anne and her husband back to an honored position in Our administration. As We welcome so many new members to Our Court, We wish to reassure Our citizens and foreign princes of the continuity of Our administration. Our previous policies have been sound, and We intend to continue in much the same manner.  We will take this opportunity to articulate some of the basic policies that We have adhered to for decades: No-one may kill anyone in France without Our permission. No-one may alienate French possessions without Our permission. No-one may attack another person or location in France without Our permission. We are absolute.  Any breach of these policies is Lesé Majestié, and will be dealt with summarily. If there are issues which require clarification, contact officers of Our Court.  As to commerce, many of Our cities are closed.  To conduct business in them, one should contact the Magistrate or appropriate administrator for that city.  If these positions appear vacant, then one should contact Our Minister of the Exchequer, Jacques Beaune, Count of Semblancay. At this time, We wish to introduce some of the leading members of Our Court. First, Our sister, Her Royal Highness, Anne de Valois de Bourbon, Princess of Bourbon, Her husband, His Royal Highness, Pierre de Bourbon, Sovereign Prince of Roussillon, and his kinsmen, his grace, Louis de Bourbon, Duke of Monpensier, his grace, Francois de Bourbon, Duke of Vendome, and his grace, Francis de Bourbon, Bishop of Die. The Queen’s uncle, his grace, Jean de Foix, Duke of Foix, Her cousins, Odet de Foix and Andre de Foix, and other kinsmen. His Royal Highness, Robert de LaMarck, King of Sedan and Duke of Bouillon, and His kinsman, including His Royal Highness, Johann de LaMarck, Sovereign Duke of Cleves. His Eminence, Rostaing Cardinal Ancezune, Archbishop of Embrun, with his lordship, Aymar d’Ancezune, Marquis of Caderousse, and other kinsmen. His Eminence, Philippe Cardinal Aussonvilier, Archbishop of Aix, with his kinsmen. His Excellence, Robert de Briconnet, Archbishop of Rheims, and his kinsmen. His Excellence, Hector de Bourbonnais, Archbishop of Toulouse, and his kinsmen. His grace, Jean de Rohan, Duke of Porrhoet, and his kinsmen. His lordship, Jacques de Beaune, Count of Semblancay, and his kinsmen. His lordship, the Baronet Guillaume de LeCyvrier and his kinsmen. His lordship, the Chevalier Emil de Ricaut and his kinsmen. His lordship, the Baronet Eudes Descharges and his kinsmen. The following members or Our Court will continue to hold their positions: His Highness, Louis de LaTremouille, Prince of Berrie, and his highness, Charles de LaTremouille, Prince of Talmont, with their kinsmen. His Eminence, Robert Cardinal Lenoncourt, Archbishop of Tours, and his kinsmen. His lordship, the Baron Pierre de Peyrat, and his kinsmen.  His lordship, the Baron Andre de Cappel, and his kinsmen. Today is a day for rejoicing.  On behalf of the Queen, we declare this day a holiday as We welcome our sister, aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, friends and retainers to our court.   Signed this eighth day of August, 1519 Charles VIII de Valois Roi de France À la main de Martin de Beaune, Archbishop of Pamiers