RENAISSANCE ACTION CODES Each family's order codes should begin with the player's code preceded by a slash (e.g.:/XXX). Next should appear the name of the family preceded by an asterisk (e.g.:*CLINTON). All orders for a family must be grouped together. Orders for one family may not be listed between orders for another family. Each persona's orders should start with his initial location preceded by an asterisk (e.g., *London), then a blank space, then his persona number pre- ceded by a dot (e.g.,.9999). Transfer orders should be listed first, then sell orders, then purchase orders, then orders not falling into any other group, then movement or battle orders. All orders for a persona must be grouped toge- ther. Orders for one persona may not be listed between ordes for another family Blank spaces should be used to mark the beginning and end of each code. Putting a blank space inside a code will cause the computer to treat it as two incomplete codes. All goods should be listed in the singular. Goods more than eight letters long should be truncated after the eighth letter. Exception: The code for arquebusiers is "qqq". Orders should be transmitted in text form (i.e., ascii). Please do not use tabs when coding orders. To keep track of what orders you actually transmitted, it's a good idea to send yourself a "cc" (i.e., a copy) when making your transmission. ORDERS: Transfer - Tnnnniiiiiiiiqqqqqqq nnnn=recipient, iiiiiiii=item, qqqqqqq=quantity Transfer to locals - T9999iiiiiiiiqqqqqqq Sell - Smccciiiiiiiiqqqqqqq m=number of items in same category being sold in greater quantities, ccc=first three letters of category, iiiiiiii=item, qqqqqqq=quantity Buy - Biiiiiiiiqqqqqqq iiiiiiii=item, qqqqqqq=quantity Buy sold out item (merchants only) - BiiiiiiiiqqqqqqqY Instruct - Innnns nnnn=trainee number, s=skill code (use q for barquebuilding, v for caravelbuilding, o for galliotbuilding, y for galleybuilding, x for architecture, t for art, z for alchemy, k for assassination, u for gunsmithing, and the initial letter for all other skills) Fortify - PFbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbb=FAS, FAR, sovereign, feudatory, magistrate, bishop, archbishop or a family name. Hold Court - PH Grant an indulgence - PInnnn nnnn=beneficiary's number Deliver a sermon to a city - PS Deliver a sermon to a persona's troops - PSnnnn nnnn=beneficiary's # Write a work of letters - PLnnnn nnnn=beneficiary's number Write a negative work of letters - P-Lnnnn nnnn=victim's number Produce a work of art - PAnnnn nnnn=beneficiary's number Produce a negative work of art - P-Annn nnnn=victim's number Produce a work of architecture - PXnnnn nnnn=beneficiary's number Produce small arms - PWSqqq qqq=quantity to be produced Produce bows - PWBqqq qqq=quantity to be produced Produce arquebusses - PWQqqq qqq=quantity to be produced Produce armor - PWAqqq qqq=quantity to be produced Produce pikes - PWPqqq qqq=quantity to be produced Produce cannon - PWCq q=quantity to be produced Produce falconets - PWFq q=quantity to be produced Produce galleys - PBYq q=quantity to be produced Produce galliots - PBOq q=quantity to be produced Produce roundships - PBRq q=quantity to be produced Produce caravels - PBVq q=quantity to be produced Produce barques - PBQq q=quantity to be produced Raise morale with ducats - PMDqqqqqqq qqqqqqq=quantity to be expended Raise morale with wine - PMWqqqqqqq qqqqqqq=quantity to be expended Raise morale with beer - PMBqqqqqqq qqqqqqq=quantity to be expended Raise morale with ale - PMAqqqqqqq qqqqqqq=quantity to be expended Raise morale with spirits - PMSqqqqqqq qqqqqqq=quatity to be expended Recruit auxiliaries - PTXqqqq qqqq=quantity to be raised Recruit arquebusiers - PTQqqqq qqqq=quantity to be raised Recruit archers - PTBqqqq qqqq=quantity to be raised Recruit pikemen - PTPqqqq qqqq=quantity to be raised Recruit heavy cavalry - PTHqqqq qqqq=quantity to be raised Recruit crew - PTCqqqq qqqq=quantity to be raised Recruit garrison troops - PTGqqqq qqqq=number to be raised Recruit feudal levy - PTF Shorten road - PEn n=location to which road leads Lengthen road - PE+n n=location to which road leads Deepen harbor - PE# Grandmaster's claiming of free heavy cavalry - PG Give ducats to charity to increase popularity - PPqqqqqq qqqqqq=number of ducats expended Give ducats to charity to increase Moslem piety - PRqqqqqq qqqqqq=number of ducats expended Produce vermilion - PVERMqqqq qqqq=quantity to be produced Produce verdigris - PVERDqqqq qqqq=quantity to be produced Plant slaves as colonists - PCSnnn nnn=quantity to be planted Plant crew as colonists - PCCnnn nnn=quantity to be planted Plant auxiliaries as colonists - PCXnnn nnn=quantity to be planted Plant arquebusiers as colonists - PCQnnn nnn=quantity to be planted Plant pikemen as colonist - PCPnnn nnn=quantity to be planted Plant archers as colonists - PCBnnn nnn=quantity to be planted Plant heavy cavalry as colonists - PCHnnn nnn=quantity to be planted Ally - Affffffffffff ffffffffffff=family this persona to ally with End alliance - A-ffffffffffff ffffffffffff=family to be dropped as ally Obtain name & address of player - N@ffffffff ffffffff=family name Obtain co-ordinates of a location - N%llllllllllllll lllllllllllllll=location Obtain port depth of a location - N#llllllllllllll llllllllllllll=location Abandon excess cargo including boats - MDboats Move inside starting location - MI Move by ship - MSllllllllllllll llllllllllllll=destination Move by ship & stay outside destination - MSllllllllllllll* Move by ferry - MFllllllllllllll llllllllllllll=destination Move by ferry & stay outside destination - MFllllllllllllll* Move by land (not by road) - MLllllllllllllll llllllllllllll=destination Move by land (not by road) & stay outside destination - MLllllllllllllll* Move by road - MRllllllllllllll llllllllllllll=destination Grant permission to board one's ships - MGnnnn nnnn=passenger persona number Move aboard ship of persona whose permission appears on your latest printout - MA Disembark - MO Keep out of all towers - MTO Cease keeping out of towers - MTI LOCATION ORDERS: All the following orders must be preceded by an "LL" statement - LLllllllllllll llllllllllllll=location at which all subsequent "L" and "G" orders will be executed until a new "LL" statement intervenes Open external market - GOM Close external market - GCM Grant egress - GGEffffffffffff ffffffffffff=family to regain egress Deny egress - GDEffffffffffff ffffffffffff=family to be denied egress Grant ingress -GGIffffffffffff ffffffffffff=family to receive ingress Deny ingress - GDIffffffffffff ffffffffffff=family to lose ingress Grant external trade - GGTfffffffffff ffffffffffff=family to benefit Deny external trade - GDTfffffffffff ffffffffffff=family to lose rights Change tariff - LTdide d=+ or -, i=% change in import tariff, e=% change in export tariff Collect taxes - LX Collect tithes - LH Appoint tax-collector - LAXnnnn nnnn=appointee's number Appoint tithe-collector - LAHnnnn nnnn=appointee's number Appoint bishop - LABnnnn nnnn=appointee's number Appoint magistrate - LAMnnnn nnnn=appointee's number Resign magistracy - LRM Return de facto control to office of tenant - LCD0 (i.e., LCDzero) Transfer de facto control to persona # nnnn - LCDnnnn Change magistrate selection method to "e" - LCMe Change magistrate selection method to "s" - LCMs Change magistrate selection method to "f" - LCMf Change magistrate selection method to "t" - LCMt Change magistrate selection method to "a" - LCMa Change magistrate selection method to "b" - LCMb Transfer family tower - TTOrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr=recipient Transfer sovereign's tower - TTSrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr=recipient Transfer feudatory's tower - TTFrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr=recipient Transfer tenant's tower - TTTrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr=recipient Transfer magistrate's tower - TTMrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr=recipient Transfer bishop's tower - TTBrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr=recipient Transfer archbishop's tower - TTArrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrr=recipient Challenge nnnn to a duel - Dnnnn Other orders - use regular English =============================================================================== SAMPLE ORDERS =============================================================================== /XXX *CLINTON *Paris .3999 t3998grain12 s0foograin300 s1foofruit300 s2foosheep200 s3foocattle100 bglass999 pws98 pwq34 pl3997 pp1000 pmw9910 *Paris .3998 i3999m i3997m i3996k pfDupont llParis lx gom ttosovereign llChampignac ttoValois ps3998 pl3998 *Paris .3997 ptx33 mdboats mlBesancon* *Venice .3995 bglass3900 ps md mfChioggia *Champignac .3994 llChampignac gcm lt+4-3 ptf ptg2 ggeAlbret gdiFoix mlParis