R E N A I S S A N C E N E W S L E T T E R Issue Number 324 November 24, 2007 _______________________________________________________________________________ GM: Constantine Xanthos, 7080 NW 75th Street, Pompano Beach, Florida 33067 WEB SITE: cx.rensim.org PHONE: (954) 753-8002 EMAIL: cjxren@yahoo.com _______________________________________________________________________________ JANUARY ORDERS - Orders for January 1520 are due in my hands by December 17, 2007 WEB SITE: I have established a web site at cx.rensim.org. My intention is to use it to make available up-to-date copies of the rules and code sheet, the latest issues of the Newsletter, and player publications sent me by email. PAYPAL - If you wish to pay your fees by credit card, you may now do so through Paypal. You may also use my Paypal account to pay by check, or by transfer from another Paypal account. The email address to use for my account is cxren@lycos.com. Paypal's address is WWW.PAYPAL.COM. NEW PLAYERSHIPS - ARGHUN: 115 W. Marlette, Phoeniz AZ 85013 GRESIK: Mark Weseman, 2 Garden Center, Suite 305, Broomfield CO 80020 SIEGES FOR JANUARY - none DECEMBER EVENTS - Pilgrimages at Loreto were completed by Niccolo Zeno, Juan Borgia and Tomasso Euffreducci. In an urban battle fought inside of Kirkuk, Isaak Safavid, Emir of Ardebil, and his 5,600 auxiliaries (M=695) took control of the town by defeat- ing its 25-man garrison (LOY=999). In an urban battle fought inside of Carmona, Amadeo Silva, Baron of Vagos, and his 4,384 auxiliaries (M=444) took control of the town by defeating its 44-man garrison (LOY=622). In an urban battle fought inside of Singapore during the absence of the town's tenant, Luis Lepe and his (M=868) 5,000 auxiliaries, 600 archers and 9,170 crew took control of the location by defeating its 250-man garrison (M=555). At Ekab, The Coelho family tower (FAS=21), which was defended by 2 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Atititl Opochtlili, Magistrate of Ekab, with (M=937) 2,948 auxiliaries. At Paalmul, the Trastamara family tower (FAS=240), which was defended by 24 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Ozomatli Coxcox with (M=999) 40,000 auxiliaries. At Mayapan, the Bermejera family tower (FAS=23), which was defended by two tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Huil Tlitolotl, Magistrate of Mayapan, with (M=999) 20,000 auxiliaries, 5,000 pikemen and 15,000 archers. At Charleston, the Cordoba family tower (FAS=23), which was defended by 2 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Cuatli Tlacua, Magistrate of Charleston, with (M=999) 1,434 auxiliaries and 27,017 crew. At Plock, the Chotkowski family tower (FAS=54), which was defended by five tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Jappan Cochotl with (M=902) 9,000 auxiliaries. At Mayapan, the Morales family tower (FAS=22), which was defended by two tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Xolotl Cochotl with (M=798) 29,000 auxiliaries, 8,935 arquebusiers, 607 pikemen, 41,745 archers and 356 crew. At Tezcuco, the Dias family tower (FAS=64), which was defended by six tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Nezahualpili, Chief of Tezcuco, with (M=545) 203,717 auxiliaries, 72,308 archers and 42,170 crew. At Warsaw, the Olekovich family tower (FAS=32), which was defended by three tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Baron Hans Tucher with (M=825) 8,998 auxiliaries. The village of Abuzenima (FAS=100, FAR=0), which was defended by three garrison troops (LOY=600), was captured by assault by Endres Tucher with (M=347) 2,329 crew. Oberto Giovanni was re-elected to the post of Gonfaloniere of Florence with the votes of 1269, 1270, 2005, 722 and 725. 3794 was taken into apprenticeship by 1993; 1315 by 2124; 2214 by 177; 1212 by 725; 671 by 1519; 2820 by 3588; 2819 by 2802; 331 by 1974; 2815 by 1971; 3590 by 139 and 455; and 2822 by 3290. Coxolotli QUILTOTOTL shortened the road from treszapotes to xicalango to 211 mi. Juan TALAVERA shortened the road from TRIANA to Valencia to 331 miles. Malik Zafir TAHIRID shortened the road from Sana to ElAhkaf to 226 miles. Henry LENE deepened the harbor at Penzance to 13 feet. Maurice FITZGERALD was appointed to the magistracy of Dundalk. James HAMILTON planted 100 colonists at Philadelphia. Louis PEYRAT was appointed to the magistracy of AUXERRE. Baudoin DESCHARGES was appointed to the magistracy of Saintes. Roger RICAUT was appointed to the magistracy of Albret. Hemming GADH was appointed to the magistracy of Kauna. Giampietro CARAFFA shortened the road from Naples to Brindisi to 192 mi. Fernando NORONHA shortened the road from Fez to Tlemcen to 197 miles. Edward STAFFORD deepened the harbor at Rome to 6 feet. Herbert STAFFORD shortened the road from Lisbon to MedinaRioSeco to 300 miles. Enver MUSTAPHA shortened the road from Ragusa to Salonika to 211 miles. Girard LEGIER shortened the road from Rosetta to Jerusalem to 235 miles. Guillaume LEGIER shortened the road from Rosetta to Jerusalem to 230 mi. Alfonso BOBADILLA shortened the road from Ragusa to Tergovist to 344 mi. Marco BUONAROTTI was appointed to the magistracy of Spezia. Guy AUBUSSON shortened the road from Ragusa to Serres to 272 miles. Pierre AUBUSSON shortened the road from Ragusa to Serres to 268 miles. Henry WAKEFIELD shortened the road from Ragusa to Serres to 264 miles. William WAKEFIELD shortened the road from Rosetta to Jerusalem to 224 mi. Pio AZAMBUJA planted 100 colonists at CapeBroyle. Frederick HABSBURG shortened the road from graz to nuremburg to 249 miles. Maximilian HABSBURG shortened the road from cairo to damascus to 227 mi. Vasco Gil SODRE shortened the road from breslau to augsburg to 296 miles. Vasco SODRE shortened the road from canakkale to konya to 250 miles. Gil SODRE shortened the road from tripOLis to tunis to 317 miles. Izabel SODRE shortened the road from rumelihissar to nis to 293 miles. Hans SEUSENHOFER shortened the road from jerusalem to tabriz to 747 miles. Giovambattis BINI shortened the road from breslau to augsburg to 287 mi. Giovanfranco BINI shortened the road from dieppe to vienne to 200 miles. Giovanni BINI shortened the road from breslau to augsburg to 278 miles. Niccolo BINI shortened the road from trier to vienne to 248 miles. Tomasso BINI shortened the road from breslau to augsburg to 269 miles. Leone VETRANO shortened the road from canakkale to konya to 241 miles. Gaetano VETRANO shortened the road from canakkale to konya to 232 miles. Mistro VETRANO shortened the road from vienna to strasbourg to 251 miles. Masca VETRANO deepened the harbor at Bremen to 11 feet. Hosain MAJID shortened the road from dharanagari to bombay to 286 miles. SOVEREIGNTY CHANGES - SIMKAN: Sultan of White Sheep Turks to Emir of Azerbaijan BENARES: Emir of Guelph to Grandmaster of Knights of True Cross BRUGES: HRE to King of Burgundy FEUDATORY CHANGES - RABBAHAMMON: Magistrate of TelAviv to Mag. of Jerusalem LAREDO: Magistrate of Laredo to Pope