R E N A I S S A N C E N E W S L E T T E R Issue Number 326 January 10, 2008 _______________________________________________________________________________ GM: Constantine Xanthos, 7080 NW 75th Street, Pompano Beach, Florida 33067 WEB SITE: cx.rensim.org PHONE: (954) 753-8002 EMAIL: cjxren@yahoo.com _______________________________________________________________________________ MARCH ORDERS - Orders for March 1520 are due in my hands by February 1, 2008. WEB SITE: I have established a web site at cx.rensim.org. My intention is to use it to make available up-to-date copies of the rules and code sheet, the latest issues of the Newsletter, and player publications sent me by email. PAYPAL - If you wish to pay your fees by credit card, you may now do so through Paypal. You may also use my Paypal account to pay by check, or by transfer from another Paypal account. The email address to use for my account is cxren@lycos.com. Paypal's address is WWW.PAYPAL.COM. NEW PLAYERSHIPS - PURNAK, HORMUZ, TULANBI & SIRAFI: Mark Muir, 5525 Keil Loop, Missoula, Montana 59808 SHIRAZI & ZUHAYR: B.J. Min-Weseman, 5817 Fox Ridge Court, Broomfield CO 80020 NOVA: Shirley Ingram, 7800 Hopkinsville Road, Cadiz KY AHUITZOTL: Barbra Mosqueda, 1225 Kalmia Ave., Boulder CO 80304 SIEGES FOR MARCH - none ADDITIONAL JANUARY EVENT - The town of Honfleur (FAS=500, FAR=0), which was defended by Baronet Henry Courtenay with (M=584) 65 crew, was captured by assault by Louis LaTremouille, Prince of Berrie, with (M=601) 3,450 auxil- iaries and 8,397 arquebusiers. The Baronet was killed. 183,143 ducats, 1,901 grain, 3 barques, 880 fish, 873 cheese, 457 leather, 233 bows and 784 cordage were also taken. MARKET CHANGES - March market changes are reflected in your turn results. FEBRUARY EVENTS - Inside Evora, Pepito Cordoba, Count of Cabra, and his 63,248 auxiliaries, 7,680 pikemen and 9,078 archers (M=729) were attacked and defeated by Pierre de Bourbon, Sovereign Prince of Roussillon, with (M=999) 128,024 aux- iliaries, 34,839 arquebusiers, 7,373 pikemen and 256 heavy cavalry. The Count was not killed. 37,136,999 ducats, 17,208 horses and 174,098 grain were captured. Alfonso Petrucci was appointed Bishop of Brixen. Guy Legier, Edward Stafford, Innocent Cibo and Matilda Cibo completed pilgrimages at Rome. At LaCheze, Maurice Malet, Chevalier of Drubec, and his (M=752) 247 auxil- iaries and 107 heavy cavalry attacked and defeated, but did not kill, troopless Guido Vespucci (capturing 4,248 ducats), assetless Michel Coin, troopless Andre Coin (capturing 4,739 ducats), assetless Filibert Coin, troopless Emil Coin (capturing 448 ducats) and troopless Victor Coin (capturing 1,219 ducats). The undefended colonial site of Colon (FAS=1, FAR=0) was captured by assault by Tepajaxin Coxcox with (M=669) 135 crew. At SantiagoDeCuba, the Oldenburg family tower (FAS=20), which was defended by two tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Caco Opochtlili, Mag- istrate of Santiago de Cuba, with (M=998) 8,998 auxiliaries and 3,000 archers. At Ekab, the Cablaj family tower (FAS=26), which was defended by two tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Atititl Opochtlili, Magistrate of Ekab, with (M=939) 2,946 auxiliaries. At Tenochtitlan, the Juj family tower (FAS=50), which was defended by 5 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Tonatricli Coxcox, Tlaloc Tlamacazqui, with (M=999) 137,900 auxiliaries, 10,000 arquebusiers, 14,000 pikemen, 1,500 heavy cavalry, 31,753 crew and 118,078 archers. At Paalmul, the O'Malley family tower (FAS=18), which was defended by one tower garrison troop, was captured by assault by Ozomatli Coxcox, Magistrate of Paalmul, with (M=999) 39,961 auxiliaries. At Cholula, the Schade family tower (FAS=84), which was defended by 8 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Xoloitz Coxcox, Magistrate of Cholula, with (M=989) 19,909 auxiliaries and 20,000 archers. At Brussels, the Brabant family tower (FAS=56), which was defended by 5 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Gaspard Talaru, Magistrate of Brussels, with (M=710) 18,000 auxiliaries. At Warsaw, the Kellwanton family tower (FAS=38), which was defended by 3 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Baron Hans Tucher with (M=844) 8,994 auxiliaries. At Plock, the Kellwanton family tower (FAS=19), which was defended by one tower garrison troop, was captured by Jappan Cochotl with (M=901) 8,996 auxil- iaries. At Mayapan, the Quetzal family tower (FAS=11), which was defended by one tower garrison troop, was captured by assault by Xolotl Cochotl, with (M=788) 28,969 auxiliaries, 8,935 arquebusiers, 607 pikemen, 41745 archers and 356 crew At Courtrai, the Frundsberg family tower (FAS=31), which was defended by 3 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Diego Columbus, Magistrate of Courtrai, with (M=999) 14,996 auxiliaries. At Ghent, the Brabant family tower (FAS=12), which was defended by one tower garrison troop, was captured by assault by Margaret de Hapsbourg, Magi- strate of Ghent, with (M=999) 24,248 auxiliaries. At Innsbruck, the Lubomirsky family tower (FAS=20), which was defended by 2 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Philiberte d'Orange, Magi- strate of Innsbruck, with (M=787) 3,995 auxiliaries. At Mantua, the Sangallo family tower (FAS=273), which was defended by 27 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Federigo Gonzaga, Magistrate of Mantua, with (M=999) 60,000 auxiliaries and 1,621 crew. At Pavia, the Trivulzio family tower (FAS=500), which was defended by 50 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Ludovico Sforza, King of Milan, with (M=999) 10,000 auxiliaries. At Milan, the Trastamara family tower (FAS=779), which was defended by 77 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Caterina Sforza, Magistrate of Milan, with (M=913) 40,000 auxiliaries and 3,000 crew. At Genoa, the Contarini family tower (FAS=100), which was defended by ten tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Francesco Martini, a knight, with (M=298) 17,500 auxiliaries. At Piacenza, the Trivulzio family tower (FAS=500), which was defended by 50 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Gentile Baglioni, Bishop of Viterbo, with (M=970) 20,000 auxiliaries. At Siena, the Savelli family tower (FAS=319), which was defended by 31 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Alfonso Piccolomini, Bishop of Forli, with (M=546) 4,998 auxiliaries and 1,000 archers. The village of Perim (FAR=0, FAS=100), which was defended by 5 garrison troops (LOY=999), was captured by assault by Baronet Endres Tucher with (M=355) 2,324 crew. At Tlatelolco, the Ponce family tower (FAS=33), which was defended by 3 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Tzanuhei Quiltototl, Magi- strate of Tlatelolco, with (M=778) 13,077 pikemen, 71,194 archers, 103,481 aux- iliaries and 21,618 crew. At Charleston, the O'Malley family tower (FAS=29), which was defended by 2 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Cuatli Tlacua, Magistrate of Charleston, with (M=998) 1,430 auxiliaries and 27,017 crew. At Tezcuco, the Toquihuatzin family tower (FAS=48), which was defended by 4 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Nezahualpili, Huetlatoani of Acolhua, with (M=633) 203,710 auxiliaries, 5,925 arquebusiers, 107,308 archers, 6,761 pikemen, 1,084 heavy cavalry and 42,170 crew. At Commercy, the Commercy family tower (FAS=200), which was defended by 20 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Henri de Vaudemont, Bishop of Metz, with (M=999) 769 pikemen. At Genoa, the Lomellini family tower (FAS=100), which was defended by ten tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Antoniotto Fregosi, Magi- strate of Genoa, with (M=996) 15,000 auxiliaries and 2,882 crew. At Schwaz, the Konrad family tower (FAS=400), which was defended by 40 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Giacoppo Petrucci, Magistrate of Schwaz, with (M=999) 5,973 auxiliaries. In an urban battle fought inside of Zwolle, Bruno Kohl and his 283 crew (M=541) were attacked and defeated by Timothy Ker, Baron of Ferniehurst, with (M=991) 10,366 archers. Bruno was not killed. 516,718 ducats, 17 roundships, 2,806 fish, 2,400 beer, 1,800 timber, 1,800 brick and 1,485 amber were cap- tured. The Baron of Ferniehurst then took de facto control of Zwolle from its absent magistrate, Floris d'Egmond, through unopposed urban battle orders. During the absence of the town's DFC, Heinrich Neidenburg, de facto con- trol of Husum was taken by Gerhard von Oldenburg, Sovereign Duke of Oldenburg, through unopposed urban battle orders issued to his (M=571) 2,621 auxiliaries, 254 arquebusiers, 162 pikemen and 24 archers. At Copenhagen, the Flensburg family tower (FAS=30), which was defended by 3 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Sten G. Sture, Regent of Sweden, with (M=585) 26,471 auxiliaries. The town of Nagykoros (FAS=700, FAR=0), which was defended by Benedek Thuroczy, Magistrate of Nagykoros, with (M=487) 15 garrison troops and 10 aux- iliaries, was captured by assault by Vacha Jicin, Magistrate of Zittau, with (M=999) 2,637 auxiliaries. Benedek was not killed. 21,766 ducats were captured. Coxolotli QUILTOTOTL shortened the road from treszapotes to xicalango to 211 mi. George DOUGLAS was appointed to the magistracy of Southampton. Marcantonio MICHIEL was granted an indulgence at SITIA. Luis BORGIA was granted an indulgence at BEZIERS. Antonio GIUSTINIANI was granted an indulgence at VENICE. Cesare BORGIA was granted an indulgence at VENICE. Giovanni EUFFREDUCCI was granted an indulgence at VENICE. Oliverotto EUFFREDUCCI was granted an indulgence at VENICE. Antonio GRIMANI was granted an indulgence at Venice. Domenigo GRIMANI was granted an indulgence at VENICE. Giovanni MICHIEL was granted an indulgence at VENICE. Tommaso MICHIEL was granted an indulgence at VENICE. Niccolo ZENO was granted an indulgence at VENICE. Agostino BARBARIGO was granted an indulgence at Venice. Emilio ALLEGRETTI was granted an indulgence at Venice. Marco ALLEGRETTI was granted an indulgence at Venice. Matteo ALLEGRETTI was granted an indulgence at Venice. Angelo LOMELLINI was granted an indulgence at Venice. Fernando FARNESE was granted an indulgence at VENICE. Federigo FOSCARI was granted an indulgence at Venice. Marcantonio ROSSI was granted an indulgence at Venice. Broglio ROSSI was granted an indulgence at Venice. Gian SQUERAROLI was granted an indulgence at Venice. Aldo SQUERAROLI was granted an indulgence at Venice. Benito SQUERAROLI was granted an indulgence at Venice. Marco QUIRINI was granted an indulgence at VENICE. Arrigo TRONO was granted an indulgence at Venice. Pietro TRONO was granted an indulgence at Venice. Cecilio TRONO was granted an indulgence at Venice. Marco GRIMANI was granted an indulgence at BARI. Caterino ZENO was granted an indulgence at BARI. Dragone ZENO was granted an indulgence at BARI. Nostradamo NEGROLI was granted an indulgence at Bari. Johann ROTH was granted an indulgence at AVIGNON. Giles DESCHARGES was appointed to the magistracy of EVORA. Guillaume LECYVRIER was appointed to the magistracy of Feurs. Jerome MALET was appointed to the magistracy of Rheims. Ahmed ARGHUN closed the market at Ziaratmaqsud. Johnie BARTON was granted an indulgence at SaintAndrews. William FRASER was granted an indulgence at SaintAndrews. Hugh PAVY was granted an indulgence at SaintAndrews. Owen PAVY was granted an indulgence at SaintAndrews. William III KEITH was granted an indulgence at SaintAndrews. Robert KEITH was granted an indulgence at SaintAndrews. Andrew BUCHANAN was granted an indulgence at SaintAndrews. Stephen STOREY was granted an indulgence at SaintAndrews. Thomas STOREY was granted an indulgence at SaintAndrews. Anthony UGHTRED was granted an indulgence at SaintAndrews. Alfred UGHTRED was granted an indulgence at SaintAndrews. Robert MORTON was granted an indulgence at SAINTANDREWS. Thadeus BUTLER was granted an indulgence at Ronda. James HAMILTON planted 100 colonists at Philadelphia. Hugh Duv O'DONNELL was granted an indulgence at Drogheda. Carlo CORSO was granted an indulgence at DROGHEDA. Domingos FERNANDES was granted an indulgence at DROGHEDA. Pietro MARTINI was appointed to the magistracy of Savona. Pio AZAMBUJA planted 100 colonists at CapeBroyle. Ozomatli COXCOX was appointed to the magistracy of Paalmul. Liam PAVY was appointed to the magistracy of Trimountaine. Endres TUCHER closed the market at Abuzenima. Citli COCHOTL planted 100 colonists at Truxillo. Per ERASMUS was appointed to the magistracy of Utrecht. Guy AUBUSSON shortened the road from Ragusa to Tergovist to 300 miles. Pierre AUBUSSON shortened the road from Ragusa to Salonika to 199 miles. Pablo LEPE was appointed to the magistracy of Singapore. Thomas WAKEFIELD shortened the road from Ragusa to Tergovist to 291 miles. Garin LEGIER shortened the road from Ragusa to Tergovist to 285 miles. Girard LEGIER shortened the road from Rosetta to Jerusalem to 200 miles. Guillaume LEGIER shortened the road from Ragusa to Tergovist to 279 miles. Edward STAFFORD deepened the harbor at Rome to 7 feet. Enver MUSTAPHA shortened the road from Ragusa to Tergovist to 272 miles. Alfonso BOBADILLA shortened the road from Ragusa to Tergovist to 265 miles. Leonardo VINCI shortened the road from Ragusa to Florence to 329 miles. Oliviero CARAFFA shortened the road from Naples to Otranto to 228 miles. Giampietro CARAFFA was granted an indulgence at Naples. Giampietro CARAFFA shortened the road from Naples to Otranto to 223 miles. Diomedo CARAFFA opened the market at Capua. John ofLundy CAMPBELL was appointed to the magistracy of Roskilde. Malik Zafir TAHIRID shortened the road from Sana to ElAhkaf to 214 miles. Isabella TRASTAMARA shortened the road from Granada to Valencia to 219 miles. Amadeo SILVA was appointed to the magistracy of Carmona. Diego SILVA was appointed to the magistracy of Granada. Fernando NORONHA shortened the road from Granada to Valencia to 210 miles. Chval JICIN closed the market at Kladno. Frederick HABSBURG shortened the road from cremona to vienna to 359 miles. Maximilian HABSBURG shortened the road from cairo to damascus to 215 miles. Arturo ARANA opened the market at Tunis. Louis ANGO shortened the road from vienna to strasbourg to 225 miles. Girolamo PESARO shortened the road from trier to vienne to 213 miles. Gil SODRE shortened the road from trier to vienne to 205 miles. Vicente SODRE shortened the road from brescia to henneberg to 237 miles. Vasco Gil SODRE shortened the road from breslau to augsburg to 225 miles. Vasco SODRE shortened the road from canakkale to konya to 196 miles. Izabel SODRE shortened the road from rumelihissar to nis to 277 miles. Conrad SEUSENHOFER shortened the road from brunswick to breslau to 279 mi. Hans SEUSENHOFER shortened the road from cairo to damascus to 206 miles. Wilhelm SEUSENHOFER shortened the road from breslau to augsburg to 220 mi. Antonio MISSAGLIA shortened the road from erzberg to nis to 367 miles. Bernardino MISSAGLIA shortened the road from graz to nuremburg to 246 mi. Damiano MISSAGLIA shortened the road from graz to nuremburg to 243 miles. Cabrino MISSAGLIA shortened the road from tabriz to keban to 384 miles. Sebastiano MISSAGLIA shortened the road from bremen to trier to 234 miles. Tomasso BINI shortened the road from breslau to augsburg to 211 miles. Giovambattis BINI shortened the road from brunswick to breslau to 270 mi. Giovanni BINI shortened the road from brunswick to breslau to 261 miles. Giovanfranco BINI shortened the road from trier to vienne to 196 miles. Niccolo BINI deepened the harbor at Trier to 9 feet. Leone VETRANO shortened the road from konya to keban to 360 miles. Gaetano VETRANO shortened the road from konya to keban to 351 miles. Mistro VETRANO shortened the road from vienna to strasbourg to 216 miles. Masca VETRANO deepened the harbor at Bremen to 12 feet. Stuart BRUCE opened the market at Cologne. Robert BRUCE opened the market at Constantine. Ahmed MOSSORIL shortened the road from dharanagari to bombay to 268 miles. Mohammed MAJID shortened the road from dharanagari to bombay to 259 miles. Abu MAJID shortened the road from dharanagari to bombay to 250 miles. FEUDAL ELEVATIONS - the King of Scotland promoted Abraham Campbell to Baronet and Colin Campbell to Baron. The King of Ireland promoted Edward Howard to Marquess of Norfolk and Guy Caninges to Knight. The King of England promoted Richard Wimsey to Marquess of Denver and Richard Vere to Knight. The Sovereign Duke of Cleves promoted Andre Peyrat to Baronet. The King of Sedan promoted Leon Rohan to Viscount of Lanvaux and Etien Peyrat to Baronet. The Sovereign Prince of Roussillon promoted Louis Peyrat to Baronet. The King of France promoted Matthieu Bourbonnais to Viscount of Botheon and Hector Peyrat to Baronet. The King of the Falasha knighted Yitzchakh Abrabanel and Yehuda Crescas and raised Juan Santangel to the rank of baronet. The Sovereign Duke of Czersk knighted Adriaen Dedel. The Sovereign Duke of Mazovia knighted Florentius Dow. The King of Lorraine knighted Peter Bubenberg, Imre Varadi and Anna Tucher The King of Burgundy knighted Jan Hoorn, Jehan Talaru and Francois Spinay. The King of Orange knighted David of Burgundy, James Columbus and Jeronimo Azambuja. The King of Milan knighted Francesco Martini, Cesare Baglioni and Pietro Martini. The Pope elevated Edward Stafford to Grand Duke of Buckingham and Jeremy Rotheram to Baron of Rotheram. The King of Sinigaglia elevated Henry Wakefield to marquis and knighted Richard Wakefield. The King of Aragon raised Antonio Giocondo to the rank of baron and Miguel Manrique to that of baronet. The Queen of Castile knighted Alonso III Fonseca, Bernardo Machiavelli and Francisco Ximenez. The King of Modena knighted Alfonso II Fonseca, Bernardo Machiavelli and Francisco Ximenez. The King of Savoy elevated Charles III of Savoy to the rank of baron. SOVEREIGNTY CHANGES - NYBORG: King of Pomerania to King of Denmark MATARA: Raja of Kotte to Magistrate of Bombay FEUDATORY CHANGES - BARCELONA: Duke of Montpensier to King of Aragon