R E N A I S S A N C E N E W S L E T T E R Issue Number 328 February 25, 2008 _______________________________________________________________________________ GM: Constantine Xanthos, 7080 NW 75th Street, Pompano Beach, Florida 33067 WEB SITE: cx.rensim.org PHONE: (954) 753-8002 EMAIL: cjxren@yahoo.com _______________________________________________________________________________ MAY ORDERS - Orders for May 1520 are due in my hands by March 18, 2008. WEB SITE: I have established a web site at cx.rensim.org. My intention is to use it to make available up-to-date copies of the rules and code sheet, the latest issues of the Newsletter, and player publications sent me by email. PAYPAL - If you wish to pay your fees by credit card, you may now do so through Paypal. You may also use my Paypal account to pay by check, or by transfer from another Paypal account. The email address to use for my account is cxren@lycos.com. Paypal's address is WWW.PAYPAL.COM. NEW PLAYERSHIPS - MAJAPAHIT: David Weseman, 1725 S. 94 St., Omaha NEB 68124 GHAZI: B.J. Min-Weseman, 5817 Fox Ridge Court, Broomfield CO 80020 ALBRET: Robert Baker, 4226 N. 22 Street #7, Phoenix AZ 85016 SCHAUMBURG: Vera Newton, 3800 Pecanwood Way, Louisville KY 40299 BAKHTISHAH & UMARAH: Ike Lohan, 1921 First St., PMB 114, Cheney WA 99004 BECK & WITTELSBACH: Alan Swartz, 311 Bank Street, New Albany IN 47150 SIEGES FOR MAY - none APRIL EVENTS - Relics were venerated by Andrew Buchanan, William Sheves, Giovanni Grimani, Niccolo Zeno, Oliviero Caraffa, Thomas Wakefield, William Wakefield and Gilbert Gordon. Pilgrimages to Jerusalem were completed by Juan Bobadilla, William Wakefield, Hengist Stygge, Oliviero Caraffa and Liebault Baudricourt. The undefended archbishop's tower (FAS=1) at Podebrady was captured by assault by Chval Jicin, Magistrate of Kladno, with (M=999) 390 auxiliaries. At Loket, the archbishop's tower (FAS=200), which was defended by 20 gar- rison troops, was captured by assault by Ulrich Jicin, Magistrate of Pribram, with (M=887) 678 auxiliaries. At Nagykoros, the Tarnowski family tower (FAS=700), which was defended by 70 garrison troops, was captured by assault by Vacha Jicin, Magistrate of Zittau, with (M=983) 2,574 auxiliaries. At Prague, the Gough family tower (FAS=90), which was defended by nine tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Albus Jicin, Magistrate of Kremsier, with (M=999) 1,000 auxiliaries. At Gorlitz, the Gyldenstiern family tower (FAS=270), which was defended by 27 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Trtchka Lipa, Magi- strate of Gorlitz, with (M=999) 1,000 auxiliaries and 100 arquebusiers. The town of Suceava (FAS=995, FAR=551), which was defended by Leoncavallo Paterno, Duke of Paterno, with 318 auxiliaries (M=999) was assaulted by George Lipa, Magistrate of Oppeln, with (M=900) 1,515 auxiliaries. The defenders held. The attackers were all killed. The Duke captured 452,989 ducats, 1,000 horses, 3 marble and 300 small arms. The undefended Gyldenstiern family tower (FAS=1) at Stolp was captured by assault by Havel Jicin with (M=999) 980 auxiliaries. The undefended Ruppin family tower (FAS=1) at Bautzen was captured by assault by Gustav Schweidnitz, Magistrate of Bautzen, with (M=997) 636 auxil- iaries. Without opposition during the absence of the town's tenant/magistrate, de facto control of Gera was taken by Wenzel Schweidnitz through unopposed urban battle orders executed by his (M=999) 13,534 auxiliaries, 7,500 arquebusiers and 1,000 archers. At Amalfi, the Albergetti family tower (FAS=500), which was defended by 50 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Enrico Maestri, a knight, with (M=616) 6,678 auxiliaries and 600 crew. Abbas Montafiq declared himself Emir of Kurah. Rifat Arkiko declared himself Emir of Makkah. Houari Montafiq declared himslef Emir of Amol. Kenan Sirafi declared himself Emir of Tiz. Jawad Tulanbi declared himself Emir of Fasa. The town of Kars (FAS=900, FAR=0), which was defended by 50 garrison troops (LOY=560), was captured by assault by Isaak Safavid, Emir of Ardebil, with (M=946) 6,258 auxiliaries. In an urban battle fought inside of Amol, the town's garrison of 400 men (LOY=960) was attacked and killed by Houari Montafiq with (M=924) 38,412 aux- iliaries and 761 archers. Houari, thereby, gained control of the location. The village of Kutelamara (FAS=300, FAR=0), which was defended by 15 gar- rison troops (LOY=770), was captured by assault by Mansur Afshar with (M=621) 2,000 auxiliaries. At Kutnahora, the Wiener family tower (FAS=30), which was defended by 3 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Albrecht Podebrad, Magistrate of Kutnahora, with (M=923) 1,026 auxiliaries. At Jachymov, the Archbishop's tower (FAS=200), which was defended by 20 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Fernao Cortereal, Magistrate of Aalbrog, with (M=838) 1,089 auxiliaries. At Koniggratz, the Wiener family tower (FAS=30), which was defended by 3 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Jens Brostrup, Archbishop of Lund, with (M=946) 972 auxiliaries and 100 arquebusiers. At Iglau, the Wiener family tower (FAS=31), which was defended by 3 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Herluf Brostrup, Magistrate of Ronne, with (M=953) 1,049 auxiliaries and 100 arquebusiers. At Pardubitz, the undefended Archbishop's tower (FAS=1) was captured by assault by Per Brostrup, Magistrate of Beuthen, with (M=792) 198 auxiliaries. At Deutschbrod, the undefended Archbishop's tower (FAS=1) was captured by assault by Baronet Paul Brostrup with (M=999) 981 auxiliaries. The undefended town of Emden (FAS=799, FAR=0) was captured by assault by Floris d'Egmond, Prince of Buren, with (M916) 20,000 auxiliaries, 70,000 pikemen, 35,000 archersand 25,000 heavy cavalry. At Elsinore, Hubert Flensburg's fleet of 29 roundships (following the shortest route to its destination) was subjected to naval bombardment by Frederick of Oldenburg (G=999), Duke of Holstein, with 400 cannon. 8 cannons self-destructed while destroying all 29 roundships and killing Hubert. Subsequently at Elsinore, the 300 roundship fleet of Baron Heinrich Wolgast (folowing the shortest route to its destination) was subjected to naval bombardment by Frederick of Oldenburg's remaining 392 cannons. 117 hits were scored, sinking 58 ships and damaging one additional one, which was immediately repaired by its crew. 8 cannons self-destructed. Subsequently at Elsinore, the 55 roundship fleet of Walter Thirkill was subjected to naval bombardment by Frederick's remaining 384 cannons. All 55 ships were sunk. Walter was killed. 8 more cannons self-destructed. In an urban battle fought inside of PiedrasNegras, assetless Ayacatl Panhuitzin, Chief of the Chacan, was attacked and defeated, but not killed, by Ahuitzotl, Huetlatoani of Tenochca, with (M=308) 295 auxiliaries. At Ekab, the undefended Langebeck family tower (FAS=7) was captured by assault by Atititl Opochtlili, Magistrate of Ekab, with (M=942) 2,944 auxil- iaries. At Mantua, the Contarini family tower (FAS=25), which was defended by two tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Federigo Gonzaga, Magistrate of Mantua, with (M=999) 59,977 auxiliaries and 1,621 crew. At Tezcuco, the Racare family tower (FAS=13), which was defended by one tower garrison troop, was captured by assault by Nezahualpili, Huetlatoani of Acolhua, with (M=652) 203,710 auxiliaries, 5,925 arquebusiers, 6,761 pikemen, 1,084 heavy cavalry, 42,935 crew and 107,306 archers. At Tenochtitlan, the Xochinatl family tower (FAS=27), which was defended by two tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Tonatricli Coxcox, Tlamacazqui of Tlaloc, with (M=999) 137,898 auxiliaries, 10,000 arquebusiers, 14,000 pikemen, 1,500 heavy cavalry, 31,753 crew and 118,078 archers. At Paalmul, the Morales family tower (FAS=18), which was defended by one tower garrison troop, was catpured by assault by Ozomatli Coxcox, Magistrate of Paalmul, with (M=999) 39,959 auxiliaries. At Charleston, the Pinzon family tower (FAS=21), which was defended by two tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Cuatli Tlacua, Magistrate of Charleston, with (M=997) 1,428 auxiliaries and 27,017 crew. At Plock, the Pishchal family tower (FAS=10), which was defended by one tower garrison troop, was captured by assault by Jappan Cochotl with (M=897) 8,992 auxiliaries. Coxolotli QUILTOTOTL shortened the road from treszapotes to xicalango to 211 mi. Alistair WOOD was appointed to the magistracy of Coatbridge. Jean BUDE was appointed to the magistracy of Greenwich. Randolph SHEVES opened the market at Elgin. James HAMILTON planted 100 colonists at Philadelphia. Bayezid II OSMANLI shortened the road from Maribor to Bologna to 209 mi. Leyli NARUN opened the market at Yergogu. Emil RICAUT wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. Jean RICAUT wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. Peppin LECYVRIER wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. AnnedeFrance BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. Francois BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. Louis BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. Pierre BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. Charles VIII VALOIS wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. Robert BRICONNET was appointed to the magistracy of Caen. Philippe AUSSONVILIER wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. Johann LAMARCK wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. Jean LAMARCK wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. William LAMARCK wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. Rostaing ANCEZUNE wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. Aymar ANCEZUNE wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. Andre ANCEZUNE wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. Guillaume CAPPEL wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. Jacques BEAUNE wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. Martin BEAUNE wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. Oliviero CARAFFA shortened the road from Naples to Otranto to 219 miles. Giampietro CARAFFA shortened the road from Florence to Melfi to 287 miles. Leonardo VINCI shortened the road from Ragusa to Florence to 313 miles. Abdullah GRESIK closed the market at Pekalongan. Ranavijaya MAJAPAHIT closed the market at Pontianak. Niccolo MACHIAVELLI was appointed to the magistracy of Pisa. Mustafa PURNAK was appointed to the magistracy of Shiraz. Sadik Montafiq shortened the road from Iannina to ATHENS to 224 miles. Haydar ERRIAD shortened the road from Askarmukrum to ElAhkaf to 934 miles. Ahmed ARKIKO opened the market at Khoi. Izmet YAKUBOGLU shortened the road from Adrianople to Iannina to 288 mi. Theodore LASCARIS was appointed to the magistracy of Sofia. Guy AUBUSSON shortened the road from Ragusa to Tergovist to 240 miles. Pierre AUBUSSON shortened the road from Ragusa to Tergovist to 235 miles. Garin LEGIER shortened the road from Ragusa to Tergovist to 229 miles. Girard LEGIER shortened the road from Rosetta to Siwa to 306 miles. Guillaume LEGIER shortened the road from Ragusa to Tergovist to 223 miles. Guy LEGIER shortened the road from Ragusa to Tergovist to 218 miles. Thomas WAKEFIELD shortened the road from Ragusa to Tergovist to 209 miles. William WAKEFIELD shortened the road from antioch to jerusalem to 295 mi. Herbert STAFFORD shortened the road from Laredo to Braga to 289 miles. Per BROSTRUP closed the market at Pardubitz. Paul BROSTRUP closed the market at Deutschbrod. Cabrino MISSAGLIA shortened the road from tabriz to keban to 366 miles. Vicente SODRE shortened the road from brescia to henneberg to 219 miles. Vasco Gil SODRE shortened the road from breslau to augsburg to 193 miles. Hans SEUSENHOFER shortened the road from cairo to keban to 698 miles. Giovanni BINI shortened the road from brunswick to breslau to 234 miles. Niccolo BINI deepened the harbor at Trier to 11 feet. Tomasso BINI shortened the road from brunswick to breslau to 225 miles. Giovambattis BINI shortened the road from brunswick to breslau to 216 mi. Arnold ENDORFER opened the market at Solingen. Leone VETRANO shortened the road from konya to keban to 324 miles. Gaetano VETRANO shortened the road from konya to keban to 315 miles. Masca VETRANO deepened the harbor at Bremen to 14 feet. Amin ISFAHANI was appointed to the magistracy of Isfahan. Jan GEILER was appointed to the magistracy of Troki. Maurice ERASMUS was appointed to the magistracy of Malines. Timothy KER was appointed to the magistracy of Zwolle. Guillaume CAPPEL was appointed to the magistracy of StDenisOleron. Pio AZAMBUJA planted 100 colonists at CapeBroyle. Antonio MUNOZ planted 50 colonists at Colon. Antonio MUNOZ planted 50 colonists at Colon. Xolotl COCHOTL was appointed to the magistracy of Chetumul. Citli COCHOTL planted 100 colonists at Truxillo. SOVEREIGNTY CHANGES - NAGYKOROS: Duke of Belz to King of Hungary ANBAR: Emir of Ardebil to Emir of Anbar KHOI: Sultan of the White Sheep Turks to Emir of Azerbaijan SOLINGEN: Sovereign Duke of Berg to HRE PIEDRASNEGRAS: Queen of Castile to Huetlatoani of Tenochca COLON: Magistrate of Colon to Huetlatoani of Acolhua FRANKFURT: Grand Duke of Brandenburg to King of Saxony KUSTRIN: Grand Duke of Brandenburg to Bishop of Lebus NAVAL MAINTENANCE ATTRITION - YEAR BARQUES GALLIOTS GALLEYS CARAVELS ROUNDSHIPS 1520 2,867 127 44 170 146 1519 2,887 72 33 74 150 1518 2,162 102 45 176 220 1517 3,217 141 27 119 140 1516 3,709 169 89 354 203 1515 3,505 223 108 236 249 1514 4,427 382 220 576 488 1513 5,438 434 234 567 404 1512 3,983 259 100 218 225 1511 3,898 349 48 75 93 1510 3,775 357 45 118 47 1509 3,790 172 39 116 87 1508 3,290 151 56 204 163 1507 3,380 123 57 77 53