R E N A I S S A N C E N E W S L E T T E R Issue Number 331 May 3, 2008 _______________________________________________________________________________ GM: Constantine Xanthos, 7080 NW 75th Street, Pompano Beach, Florida 33067 WEB SITE: cx.rensim.org PHONE: (954) 753-8002 EMAIL: cjxren@yahoo.com _______________________________________________________________________________ AUGUST ORDERS - Orders for August 1520 are due in my hands by May 24, 2008. WEB SITE - I have established a web site at cx.rensim.org. My intention is to use it to make available up-to-date copies of the rules and code sheet, the latest issues of the Newsletter, and player publications sent me by email. PAYPAL - If you wish to pay your fees by credit card, you may now do so through Paypal. You may also use my Paypal account to pay by check, or by transfer from another Paypal account. The email address to use for my account is cxren@lycos.com. Paypal's address is WWW.PAYPAL.COM. NEW PLAYERSHIPS - SCHAUMBURG: Alan Swartz, 311 Bank St., New Albany IN 47150 MAKDISHU: David Weseman, 1725 S. 94 St., Omaha NEB 68124 NASSAU: Vera Newton, 3800 Pecanwood Way, Louisville KY 40299 SHIRAZI, QUELIMANE, HADARIB, HISHAM, MASSOWAH & MORADA: Mark Weseman, 2 Garden Center, Suite 305, Broomfield CO 80020 SIEGES FOR AUGUST - none JULY EVENTS - Theodore Lascaris declared himself Emir of Larissa. In an urban battle fought inside of Trieste, the tenant's garrison of 166 men (LOY=485) was attacked and killed by Horst Brostrup, Magistrate of Haderslev, with (M=998) 62,041 auxiliaries, 50,585 arquebusiers, 2,958 heavy cavalry and 9,860 crew. The Magistrate acquired control of the town. The town of Suceava (FAS=995, FAR=551), which was defended by Leoncavallo Paterno, Duke of Paterno, with (M=999) 318 auxiliaries, was captured by assault by Fritz Szekely, Magistrate of Waitzen, with (M=999) 7,753 arquebusiers, 6,392 pikemen and 1,964 archers. The Duke was not killed, but 449,812 ducats, 1,000 horses, 3 marble, 300 small arms, 48 armor, 8,740 arquebuses and 43,539 hides were taken from him. In an urban battle fought inside of Condom, the tenant's garrison of 30 men (LOY=652) was attacked and killed by Viktor Roth, Bishop of Novara, with (M=995) 3,025 auxiliaries, 3,381 arquebusiers and 1,980 archers. The Bishop took control of the town. In a field battle fought outside of Prague, assetless Amin Misqal was attacked and killed by Marino Cortereal, Magistrate of Grunberg, with (M=999) 980 light cavalry. At Riga, the Tarnowski family tower (FAS=113), which was defended by 11 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Uriel Gorka, Bishop of Posen, with (M=999) 5,000 auxiliaries. At SaintNazaire, the Marchese family tower (FAS=100), which was defended by ten tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Odet de Foix, Magi- strate of Soissons, with (M=824) 40,283 auxiliaries, 19,700 arquebusiers and 15,121 archers. At Saintes, the Barquetot family tower (FAS=34), which was defended by three tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Hernani Aussonvilier, Bishop of Beziers, with (M=941) 10,323 archers. The village of Baysan (FAS=200, FAR=0), which was defended by six garrison troops, was captured by assault by Chevalier Luis Santangel with (M=622) 4,996 auxiliaries. The town of Ribe (FAS=560, FAR=0), which was defended by Tycho Gadh, Magistrate of Ribe, Baronet Abraham Campbell, and Donald Campbell, Bishop of Lismore, with (M=998) 42 crew, 28,710 auxiliaries, 29,700 arquebusiers, 22,770 archers, 5,443 pikemen and 100 garrison troops, was assaulted by Jean d'Egmond, Prince of Egmond and Magistrate of Venlo, with (M=762) 20,000 arquebusiers and 34,142 auxiliaries. The assaulters were all killed. Tycho Gadh captured 158,580 ducats. Janus Lascaris claimed the title of Emir of Iannina. Walid Ghutah renounced the title of Emir of Kermanshah. Umar Umarah declared himself Emir of Naband. Abdul Bakhtishah declared himself Emir of Sari. The town of Damghan (FAS=500, FAR=0), which was defended by 120 garrison troops (LOY=550), was captured by assault by Houari Montafiq, Emir of Amol, with (M=942) 38,373 auxiliaries and 761 archers. At Amalfi, the Borja family tower (FAS=500), which was defended by 50 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Enrico Maestri, Magistrate of Amalfi, with (M=471) 10,583 auxiliaries and 900 crew. Adnan Misqal died attempting to march from Calicut to Frankfurt. At Brussels, the undefended Salazar family tower (FAS=4) was captured by assault by Gaspard Talaru, Magistrate of Brussels, with (M=655) 21,500 auxil- iaries. At Soest, the Poppenruyter family tower (FAS=18), which was defended by one tower garrison troop, was captured by assault by Wilhelm II von Brabant with (M=949) 95,957 auxiliaries and 617 archers. At Milan, the Bramante family tower (FAS=96), which was defended by nine tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Caterina Sforza, Duchess of Forli, with (M=856) 47,000 auxiliaries and 3,240 crew. At Tezcuco, the Duchicela family tower (FAS=14), which was defended by one tower garrison troop, was captured by assault by Nezahualpili, Huetlatoani of Acolhua, with (M=680) 203,708 auxiliaries, 5,925 arquebusiers, 6,761 pikemen, 1,084 heavy cavalry, 45,325 crew and 107,306 archers. At PiedrasNegras, the Zakic family tower (FAS=18), which was defended by one tower garrison troop, was captured by assault by Ahuitzotl, Huetlatoani of Tenochca, with (M=305) 292 auxiliaries. At HamiltonBerm, the Cordoba family tower (FAS=16), which was defended by one tower garrison troop, was captured by assault by Jotl Opochtlili with (M=917) 9,554 auxiliaries and 1,446 crew. At Tulum, the Trastamara family tower (FAS=999), which was defended by 99 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Tlacalotl Tlitolotl, Magi- strate of Tulum, with (M=932) 63,653 auxiliaries and 13,098 crew. At Charleston, the Baudricourt family tower (FAS=12), which was defended by one tower garrison troop, was captured by assault by Cuatli Tlacua, Magi- strate of Charleston, with (M=996) 1,150 auxiliaries and 18,113 crew. At ElCedral, the Perault family tower (FAS=300), which was defended by 30 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Xolotl Cochotl, Magistrate of Chetumul, with (M=619) 19,226 auxiliaries, 7,005 arquebusiers, 380 pikemen, 222 crew and 30,936 archers. At Cholula, the Khavi family tower (FAS=16), which was defended by one tower garrison troop, was captured by assault by Xoloitz Coxcox, Magistrate of Cholula, with (M=989) 19,903 auxiliaries and 20,000 archers. At Manhattan, the Bermejera family tower (FAS=25), which was defended by two tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Saotl Jaotl with (M=951) 2,998 auxiliaries and 3,536 crew. At Schwaz, the Bini family tower (FAS=21), which was defended by two tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Alfonso Petrucci, Bishop of Brixen, with (M=990) 5,920 auxiliaries. At Piacenza, the Eudatory family tower (FAS=31), which was defended by 3 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Gentile Baglioni, Bishop of Vitero, with (M=999) 19,927 auxiliaries. Coxolotli QUILTOTOTL shortened the road from treszapotes to xicalango to 211 mi. Maurice FITZGERALD wrote a diatribe against Stanislaw TARNOWSKI. Paul BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Geraldo CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Juan GUZMAN. Ursula CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Fernao CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Marino CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Richard WIMSEY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Roger WIMSEY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Henry WIMSEY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Gervase WIMSEY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. John LENE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Edward LENE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Henry LENE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Richard LENE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Thomas LENE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Edward VERE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. John VERE wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Richard GUILDFORD wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Laurence ELPHINSTONE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Turlough O'BRIEN wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. James IV STEWART wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. John STEWART wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Adrian DEDEL wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Florensz DEDEL wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. William DEDEL wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Robert MACKAY wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Eric GADH wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Knut GADH wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Walter BUCHANAN wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Robert BUCHANAN wrote a diatribe against Jean EGMOND. Douglas BUCHANAN wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Andrew BUCHANAN wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. William III KEITH wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Robert KEITH wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Donald FLETCHER wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Aaron FLETCHER wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. David FLETCHER wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Desiderius ERASMUS wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Jacob ERASMUS wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Maurice ERASMUS wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Per ERASMUS wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Rogerius ERASMUS wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Hugh FRASER wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. John FRASER wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. William SHEVES wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Buffo BULOW wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Dietrich BULOW wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Hartwig BULOW wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Magdalena BULOW wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Andrew HAY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Lord James HAMILTON wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. David LINDSAY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Guillaume MALET wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Jerome MALET wrote a diatribe against Louis BARQUETOT. Gavin DOUGLAS wrote a diatribe against Stanislaw TARNOWSKI. Gaute IVARSSON wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Agnes LIVINGSTONE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Jean ILLIERS wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Rene ILLIERS wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Stephan SALAZAR wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Stefan JONSSON wrote a diatribe against Stanislaw TARNOWSKI. Anne BUTLER wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Edmund BUTLER wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Piers BUTLER wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Donogh McCARTHY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Owen McCARTHY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Anne PAVY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Hugh PAVY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Owen PAVY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Richard PAVY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Walter FITZSIMONS wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Egneghan O'DONNELL wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. John O'DONNELL wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Albrecht DURER wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Ernst DURER wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Hans DURER wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Heinrich DURER wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Edward STOREY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Stephen STOREY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Thomas STOREY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Martin STOREY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Robert KER wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Timothy KER wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Archibald CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Abraham CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Colin CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Donald CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Stanislaw TARNOWSKI. John ofLundy CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. John CUNNINGHAM wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Sir Andrew WOOD wrote a diatribe against Junipero SORGO. Jean BUDE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Guillaume BUDE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Louis BUDE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Jeannot BUDE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Charles BUDE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. George TALBOT wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Katherine TALBOT wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Thomas WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. ThomasWynter WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Dorothy WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Joan WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Ralph NEVILLE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Thomas NEVILLE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Sadr KHAWJA was appointed to the magistracy of ZIARATMAQSUD. Lucas WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Barbara WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Sigismund WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Nicholas C. WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Wladislaw WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Istvan CSEH wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Peter CSEH wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Andreas BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Stephen BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Nicholas BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Sigismund BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. John FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Geza FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Coloman FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Ignaz FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Gyula FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Akos NAGY wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Arpad NAGY wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Emericus NAGY wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Zoltan NAGY wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Zsolt NAGY wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Korkmas MAAN was appointed to the magistracy of Latakia. Jean Foix wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Pierre PEYRAT wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Peppin LECYVRIER wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Matthieu BOURBONNAIS wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Johann LAMARCK wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Jean LAMARCK wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Robert III LAMARCK wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. William LAMARCK wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Rostaing ANCEZUNE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Aymar ANCEZUNE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Andre ANCEZUNE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. AnnedeFrance BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Francois BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Louis BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Pierre BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Emil RICAUT wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Jean RICAUT wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Jacques BEAUNE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Martin BEAUNE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Philippe AUSSONVILIER wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Charles VIII VALOIS wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Aymar ANCEZUNE was appointed to the magistracy of LaRochelle. Guillaume CAPPEL wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Jacob RAHABI planted 100 colonists at Tangasseri. Judith TERDAEGOBAZ planted 100 colonists at ElArish. Enver MUSTAPHA shortened the road from Philippopolis to Constantinople to 225 miles. Isabella TRASTAMARA shortened the road from VALENCIA to Valladolid to 224 miles. Malik Zafir TAHIRID shortened the road from ElAhkaf to Mecca to 265 miles. Abdalwahhab TAHIRID shortened the road from Deir to Anbar to 206 miles. Izmet YAKUBOGLU shortened the road from Adrianople to Iannina to 261 mi. Sadik Montafiq shortened the road from Iannina to ATHENS to 197 miles. Garin LEGIER shortened the road from Ragusa to Florence to 282 miles. Girard LEGIER shortened the road from Rosetta to Siwa to 279 miles. Guy LEGIER shortened the road from Barletta to Bologna to 328 miles. Herbert STAFFORD shortened the road from Rosetta to Siwa to 274 miles. Elizabeth STAFFORD shortened the road from Ragusa to Serres to 223 miles. Guy AUBUSSON shortened the road from Ragusa to Florence to 273 miles. Thomas WAKEFIELD shortened the road from Ragusa to Florence to 264 miles. Henry WAKEFIELD shortened the road from Lisbon to Guadix to 302 miles. William WAKEFIELD shortened the road from Rosetta to Siwa to 267 miles. Kurt GOLDLI shortened the road from Serres to Gallipoli to 160 miles. Leonardo VINCI shortened the road from Ragusa to Florence to 255 miles. Oliviero CARAFFA shortened the road from Naples to Otranto to 213 miles. Ahmed MOSSORIL closed the market at Mozambique. Fernando NORONHA shortened the road from VALENCIA to Valladolid to 215 mi. Henry PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Albrecht PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Bocek PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Hynek PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Victorin PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Nicholas STYGGE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. John LIPA wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Bourian LIPA wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Trtchka LIPA wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Ulrich JICIN wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Chval JICIN wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Vacha JICIN wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Havel JICIN wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Havel JICIN closed the market at Stolp. Albus JICIN wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Viktor SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Gustav SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Herman SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Wenzel SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Ernst BEVISKI. Stefan SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Albrecht GRUNEWALD. Xolotl COCHOTL closed the market at ElCedral. Citli COCHOTL planted 100 colonists at Truxillo. Moxatli COCHOTL planted 100 colonists at Colon. Alodar VARADI planted 100 colonists at HamiltonBerm. Pio AZAMBUJA planted 100 colonists at CapeBroyle. Jan DOW closed the market at Toul. SOVEREIGNTY CHANGES - PACHACAMAC: Duke of Belz to King of Scotland ROSTOCK: Sovereign Duke of Mecklenburg to King of Pomerania OLORON: King of France to King of Navarre RANPUR: Emir of Ranpur to Sultan of Gujarat JUVAYM & LENKORA: Sultan of White Sheep Turks to Emir of Azerbaijan MANAMAH: Emir of Bahrain to Emir of Riad FEUDATORY CHANGES - HAVANA: Tlamacazqui of Totec to Huetlatoani of Acolhua