R E N A I S S A N C E N E W S L E T T E R Issue Number 348 April 26, 2009 _______________________________________________________________________________ GM: Constantine Xanthos, 7080 NW 75th Street, Pompano Beach, Florida 33067 WEB SITE: cx.rensim.org PHONE: (954) 753-8002 EMAIL: cjxren@yahoo.com _______________________________________________________________________________ JANUARY ORDERS - Orders for January 1522 are due in my hands by May 17, 2009. PAYPAL - If you wish to pay your fees by credit card, you may now do so through Paypal. You may also use my Paypal account to pay by check, or by transfer from another Paypal account. The email address to use for my account is cxren@lycos.com. Paypal's address is WWW.PAYPAL.COM. NEW PLAYERSHIPS - AZIZULLAH & AKIF: William Weseman, 10401 Forrest Drive, Frisco TX 75035 SPINOLA: Alan Swartz, 5510 Cedarwood Dr., Valley Station KY 40272 RESULTS OF DECEMBER SIEGES - Robert Ker, Duke of Calverton, successfully completed his sixth month of siege at Stettin. Bayezid II Osmanli successfully completed his fifth month of siege at Serres. Gianni Rovere's siege at Philippopolis failed because the besieging troops were outnumbered by the besieged. SIEGES FOR JANUARY - STETTIN: Besieged by Robert Ker, Duke of Caverton SERRES: Besieged by Bayezid II Osmanli, Sultan of the Ottomans PHILIPPOPOLIS: Besieged by Gianni Rovere, King of Sinigaglia WHITBY: Besieged by Richard Vere, a knight DECEMBER EVENTS - Paul Brostrup was taken into guild apprenticeship by 1548, Svante Stygge by 1546, Egbert Stygge by 636, Ranald MacDonald by 1198, James Hamilton by 2215, Charlot Alencon by 4126 and Mirhan Abdullah by 3691. In a field battle fought outside of Esztergrom, Mathis Grunewald, Bishop of Worms and Magistrate of Colmar, and his 3,999 crew (M=548) were attacked and killed by Lorenzo Fregosi with (M=999) 36,874 auxiliaries, 5,531 arquebusiers and 1,631 crew. 32,445 ducats, 458 barques, 25 galliots, 49,000 cheese and 252 armor were captured. At Zwickau, the Dortmund family tower (FAS=20), which was defended by two tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Gregor Lipa with (M=999) 10,176 auxiliaries, 11,960 arquebusiers and 2,920 heavy cavalry. At Altenburg, the undefended Kiefuss family tower (FAS=1) was captured by assault by Hengist Stygge with (M=983) 15,736 auxiliaries, 27,549 arquebusiers, 10,240 archers, 2,154 heavy cavalry and 2,048 crew. The village of Tiz (FAS=200, FAR=0), which was defended by six garrison troops (LOY=630), was captured by assault by Mamoun Afshar, Magistrate of Bu- shire, with (M=421) 3,883 auxiliaries. At Dieppe, the Po family tower (FAS=999), which was defended by Diniz do Po, Bishop of Leon, with (M=877) 78,481 auxiliaries, 8,599 heavy cacvalry, 759 crew and 99 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Rostaing d'Ance- zune, Archbishop of Embrun, with (M=999) 264,474 auxiliaries and 5,000 archers. Diniz was not killed, but 2,562,005 ducats, 11,596 sails, 35,885 cordage, 2,984 cannons, 2,160 falconets, 113 slaves, 17,958 saltfish, 40,954 fish, 21,665 cheese, 586 sugar, 16,128 lace, 1,478 iron, 53,942 timber, 43,140 small arms, 14,010 armor, 20,000 hardware, 15,274 porcelain, 34,065 tobacco, 3,520 sweet potato, 3,000 quinine, 34,060 cocoa, 32,639 aloe, 273 carvings, 2,000 emeralds and 44,806 pitch were taken from him. Outside Masira, George Herbert (G=999), a knight, and his 759 archers, 8,082 crew (M=704) and 3,794 falconets were attacked by Jamal Lamu with (M=345) 5,740 auxiliaries, 14,912 arquebusiers, 2,248 pikemen, 11,628 archers, 2,198 unmounted heavy cavalry and 2,505 crew. After four stages of battle, Jamal's troops' morale was reduced to 265, a level below their retreat point. He was forced to retreat and abandon 492 barques, 8,336 fish, 686 fruit, 195 armor and 200 arquebuses. In an urban battle fought inside of Hanover, Jacques Ango, Magistrate of Hanover and Bishop of Noli, Liguria, and his 23,293 auxiliaries, 751 pikemen and 140 crew (M=425) were attacked and killed by Anton Dortmund with (M=808) 19,653 auxiliaries, 13,407 arquebusiers, 7,334 pikemen, 20,396 archers, 7,533 heavy cavalry and 2,398 crew. At Messina, the Avalos family tower (FAS=23), which was defended by two tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Alphonso of Naples, Duke of Calabria, with (M=443) 20,114 auxiliaries, 4,616 arquebusiers, 4,616 pikemen, 1,692 archers, 601 heavy cavalry and 698 crew. At Brindisi, the Napoli family tower (FAS=322), which was defended by 32 tower garrison troops while Alfonso of Napoli looked on from the street, was captured by assault by Ferrante of Naples, King of Naples, with (M=932) 18,886 auxiliaries. At SanGimignano, the undefended Biringucci family tower (FAS=6) was cap- tured by assault by Emilio Giovanni, Magistrate of SanGimignano, with (M=828) auxiliaries. Through urban battle orders against the vacant position of de facto con- troller, Liebault Baudricourt, Magistrate of Jerudalem, took control of undefended Mansura with his 1,000 auxiliaries (M=999). Oberto Giovanni was re-elected Gonfaloniere of Florence with the support of 389, 725, 722, 724, 1269, 1270 and 1212. The undefended city of Kairwan (FAS=982, FAR=463) was captured by assault by Peter Bubenberg, a knight, with (M=999) 59,333 auxiliaries, 15,000 arque- busiers and 2,137 crew. Tomasso Euffreducci completed a pilgrimage to Loreto. Mustafa BIHZAD was appointed to the magistracy of JUNAGARH. Richard WIMSEY wrote a diatribe against Jules EGMOND. Henry PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Albrecht PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Bocek PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Hynek PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Victorin PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. John LIPA wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Bourian LIPA wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Henry LIPA wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Trtchka LIPA wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Geraldo CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Ursula CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Fernao CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Marino CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Vasco CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Viktor SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Gustav SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Herman SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Wenzel SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Stefan SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Chval JICIN wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Ulrich JICIN wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Vacha JICIN wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Albus JICIN wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Havel JICIN wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Nicholas STYGGE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Jens BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Herluf BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Per BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Paul BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Horst BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Istvan CSEH wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Peter CSEH wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Zygmunt CSEH wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Stephen BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Andreas BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Nicholas BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Sigismund BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Jakob SZEKELY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Bozena BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Stefan BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. John FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Gyula FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Coloman FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Geza FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Ignaz FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Arpad NAGY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Akos NAGY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Emericus NAGY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Zoltan NAGY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Zsolt NAGY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Jacob RAHABI planted 100 colonists at Tangasseri. Judith TERDAEGOBAZ planted 100 colonists at ElArish. Taissir JARA was appointed to the magistracy of Damietta. Abdalwahhab TAHIRID shortened the road from Anbar to Hamadan to 224 miles. Edward LENE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Henry LENE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. John LENE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Richard LENE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Thomas LENE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Angus ELPHINSTONE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Laurence ELPHINSTONE wrote a diatribe against Jules EGMOND. William ELPHINSTONE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. James IV STEWART wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Simon FRASER was appointed to the magistracy of Berwick. John STEWART wrote a diatribe against Jules EGMOND. Edward GUILDFORD wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Richard GUILDFORD wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Terrence O'BRIEN wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Turlough O'BRIEN wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Edward VERE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. John VERE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Mary TUDOR wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Henry VIII TUDOR wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Jean BUDE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Guillaume BUDE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Louis BUDE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Jeannot BUDE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Charles BUDE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Laurence NEVILLE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Ralph NEVILLE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Thomas NEVILLE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Sir Andrew WOOD wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Thomas WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Robert WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. ThomasWynter WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Dorothy WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Joan WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. George TALBOT wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Katherine TALBOT wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Walter BUCHANAN wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Robert BUCHANAN wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Douglas BUCHANAN wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Andrew BUCHANAN wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. William III KEITH wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Robert KEITH wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Donald FLETCHER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Aaron FLETCHER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. David FLETCHER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Andrew HAY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. David LINDSAY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. John of Cra. LINDSAY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Desiderius ERASMUS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Jacob ERASMUS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Maurice ERASMUS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Per ERASMUS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Rogerius ERASMUS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Hugh FRASER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. John FRASER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Eric GADH wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Knut GADH wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. William SHEVES wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. John FISHER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Agnes LIVINGSTONE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Albrecht DURER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Ernst DURER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Hans DURER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Heinrich DURER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Edward STOREY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Stephen STOREY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Thomas STOREY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Martin STOREY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Maurice FITZGERALD wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Stephan SALAZAR wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Gaston SALAZAR wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Guillaume MALET wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Jerome MALET wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Jean ILLIERS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Milon ILLIERS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Rene ILLIERS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Antoine PERAULT wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Gerard PERAULT wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Raimond PERAULT wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Gaute IVARSSON wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Nicholas SCHADE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Klaus SCHADE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Snorri SCHADE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Hans SCHADE wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Lord James HAMILTON wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Stefan JONSSON wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Charles ALENCON wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Francoise ALENCON wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Anne ALENCON wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Anne BUTLER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Edmund BUTLER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Piers BUTLER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Archibald CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Abraham CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Colin CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. John ofLundy CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. John CUNNINGHAM wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Hugh PAVY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Owen PAVY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Richard PAVY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Robert KER wrote a diatribe against Ernst WOLGAST. Timothy KER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Gavin DOUGLAS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. George DOUGLAS wrote a diatribe against William THIRKILL. Charles VIII VALOIS wrote a diatribe against Obed BAKHTISHAH. Pierre PEYRAT wrote a diatribe against Obed BAKHTISHAH. Jacques BEAUNE wrote a diatribe against Obed BAKHTISHAH. AnnedeFrance BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Obed BAKHTISHAH. Louis BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Obed BAKHTISHAH. Pierre III ROHAN wrote a diatribe against Obed BAKHTISHAH. Johann LAMARCK wrote a diatribe against Obed BAKHTISHAH. Robert III LAMARCK wrote a diatribe against Obed BAKHTISHAH. Emil RICAUT wrote a diatribe against Obed BAKHTISHAH. Guillaume CAPPEL wrote a diatribe against Obed BAKHTISHAH. Naim MASSOWAH was appointed to the magistracy of hissarfiruza. Diego LEPE shortened the road from Peking to Kaifeng to 360 miles. Giuliano ROVERE shortened the road from Nuremburg to Bologna to 271 miles. William WAKEFIELD shortened the road from Bologna to Naples to 209 miles. William IV KEITH was appointed to the magistracy of Nuremburg. Enver MUSTAPHA shortened the road from Constantinople to Serres to 202 mi. Jamal MUSTAPHA wrote a diatribe against Zacharias EPIDAMNOS. Bayezid II OSMANLI wrote a diatribe against Zacharias EPIDAMNOS. Jemal NARUN wrote a diatribe against Zacharias EPIDAMNOS. Khusrev NARUN wrote a diatribe against Zacharias EPIDAMNOS. Leyli NARUN wrote a diatribe against Zacharias EPIDAMNOS. Giampietro CARAFFA shortened the road from Florence to Foggia to 223 mi. Antonio GIOVANNI shortened the road from Florence to Foggia to 217 miles. Roger BAUDRICOURT shortened the road from rosetta to Tripoli to 331 miles. Enzio MEDICI shortened the road from Guadix to Igualada to 344 miles. Ercole ESTE shortened the road from Ferrara to Vienna to 242 miles. Garcia NORONHA shortened the road from Ferrara to Vienna to 233 miles. Margaret HAPSBOURG wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Wladislaw PIAST wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Conrad III PIAST wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Janusz II PIAST wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Boleslaw PIAST wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Peter VARADI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Imre VARADI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Paul VARADI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Johann VARADI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Alodar VARADI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Giovanni SFORZA wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Ludovico SFORZA wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Ascanio SFORZA wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Guido BAGLIONI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Gentile BAGLIONI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Mirhan ABDALLAH wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Mirhan ABDALLAH wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Hassan DAMASCUS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Sadam DAMASCUS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Ahmed DAMASCUS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Najib DAMASCUS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Taissir JARA wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Enver JARA wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Andre SPINAY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Jacques SPINAY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Anne SPINAY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Francois SPINAY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Pierre CRADINTEUR wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Robert CRADINTEUR wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Antoine CRADINTEUR wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Jean CRADINTEUR wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Hector CRADINTEUR wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Jan HOORN wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Jean HOORN wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Jakob HOORN wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Joseph HOORN wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Ernst BERCHEM wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Rose BERCHEM wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Piet BERCHEM wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Jop BERCHEM wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Raimund FUGGER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Hieronymus FUGGER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Georg FUGGER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Ulrich FUGGER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Luigi GONZAGA wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Federigo GONZAGA wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Ferrante GONZAGA wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Francesco GONZAGA wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Giorgio MARTINI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Francesco MARTINI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Francesco MARTINI shortened the road from Genoa to Ulm to 246 miles. Maurizio MARTINI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Vittorio MARTINI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Pietro MARTINI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Giovanbatti. PETRUCCI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Giacoppo PETRUCCI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Francesco PETRUCCI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Paulo PETRUCCI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Pacifico BURLAMACCHI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Pacifico BURLAMACCHI shortened the road from Lyons to Bordeaux to 251 mi. Gherardo BURLAMACCHI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Michele BURLAMACCHI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Pietro BURLAMACCHI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Iacoppo BURLAMACCHI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. NEZAHUALPILI NEZAHUALPILI wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. NEZAHUALPILI NEZAHUALPILI shortened the road from Xicalango to Truxillo to 215 miles. Tepajaxin COXCOX wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Tonatricli COXCOX wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Tonatricli COXCOX shortened the road from Xicalango to Truxillo to 216 mi. Ozomatli COXCOX wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Xoloitz COXCOX wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Tzacua COXCOX wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Cochaotl JAOTL wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Jaotl COCHOTL wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Jaotl COCHOTL shortened the road from Xicalango to Truxillo to 216 miles. Citli COCHOTL planted 100 colonists at Truxillo. Moxatli COCHOTL planted 100 colonists at Colon. Joao AZAMBUJA wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Pio AZAMBUJA planted 100 colonists at CapeBroyle. Rene II VAUDEMONT wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Ferri VAUDEMONT wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Henri VAUDEMONT wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Jehan TALARU wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Hugues TALARU wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Antoine TALARU wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Gaspard TALARU wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Guillaume TALARU wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Ann BUBENBERG wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Victor BUBENBERG wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Peter BUBENBERG wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Adrian II BUBENBERG wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Anna TUCHER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Anselm TUCHER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Hans TUCHER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Endres TUCHER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Robert BLACKADDER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Robert BLACKADDER shortened the road from Genoa to Ulm to 237 miles. Adam BLACKADDER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Adam BLACKADDER shortened the road from Lyons to Bordeaux to 242 miles. Sir Robert BLACKADDER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Patrick BLACKADDER wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Cuintli TLACUA shortened the road from Amsterdam to Basel to 345 miles. Tlitolotl TLITOLOTL shortened the road from Xicalango to Truxillo to 216 miles. Christopher COLUMBUS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Bartholomew COLUMBUS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. James COLUMBUS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Diego COLUMBUS wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Philippe BURGUNDY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Baudoin BURGUNDY wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Tzanuhei QUILTOTOTL wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Tzanuhei QUILTOTOTL shortened the road from Xicalango to Truxillo to 216 miles. Tzauhtototl QUILTOTOTL wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Coxolotli QUILTOTOTL wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Coxolotli QUILTOTOTL shortened the road from Xicalango to Truxillo to 216 miles. Centzontli QUILTOTOTL wrote a diatribe against Christian FLENSBURG. Centzontli QUILTOTOTL shortened the road from Xicalango to Truxillo to 216 miles. SOVEREIGNTY CHANGES - JUNAGARH: Sultan of Gujarat to Magistrate of Diu FERROL: King of Pomerania to Queen of Castile TIKRIT: Emir of Van to Emir of Tikrit HERAT: Emir of Azerbaijan to Emir of Herat ZENJAN: Emperor of China to Shah of Persia HOMS: Emir of Beirut to Emir of Assyria