R E N A I S S A N C E N E W S L E T T E R Issue Number 357 November 2, 2009 _______________________________________________________________________________ GM: Constantine Xanthos, 7080 NW 75th Street, Pompano Beach, Florida 33067 WEB SITE: cx.rensim.org PHONE: (954) 753-8002 EMAIL: cjxren@yahoo.com _______________________________________________________________________________ OCTOBER ORDERS - Orders for October 1522 are due in my hands by November 22, 2009. PAYPAL - If you wish to pay your fees by credit card, you may now do so through Paypal. You may also use my Paypal account to pay by check, or by transfer from another Paypal account. The email address to use for my account is cxren@lycos.com. Paypal's address is WWW.PAYPAL.COM. ROAD MOVEMENT RESTRICTION - Road movement orders must be limited to relocating from one location to another. When using road movement, it is not possible to specify that you wish your persona to stop outside the town walls. FAMILY PICKUP RESTRICTIONS - To try to avoid "unfair" family pickups, I have imposed certain "loyalty" limits. These restrictions will no longer apply to families that have been dropped. Once a player drops a family, it will be assumed to no longer be "loyal". Consequently, all families dropped after September 30, 1522 are now available for pickup by any player without regard to their "loyalty" characteristics. SIEGE ACTION COMPONENTS - A siege order has two effects. First, it acts as a special type of interception order switching the dollar payment burden from the aggressor (the besieger) to the aggressee (the player with access to the besieged location). Secondly, if successful, it causes siege attrition. The interception order benefit applies without regard to the number of troops in the besieging force. Siege attrition is extracted only when (a) no personae enter the besieged location, and (b) the besieger remains present at the site of the siege at the end of the period of siege, and (c) the besieger has more troops than are present inside the location. In order for a siege to fail under requirement (c), the GM must be informed, prior to the end of the turn of siege, of the numerical inadequacy of the besiegers. This inadequacy is calculated at the start of the period of siege, before maintenance attrition is extracted. NEW PLAYERSHIPS - CABRAL & DIAS: Kenny Root, 604 Dixon, La Junta CO 81050 AVIZ, COSTA, CAO & PIMENTEL: Richard Blondin, 504 Sunset Ave, La Junta CO 81050 RESULTS OF SEPTEMBER SIEGES - Robert Ker, Duke of Calverton, successfully completed his fifteenth month of siege at Stettin. Richard Vere, a knight, successfully completed his ninth month of siege at Whitby. Robert Douglas, Earl of Douglas, successfully completed his seventh month of siege at Peterhead. The siege at Philippopolis failed due to the fact that the besiegers started the turn outnumbered by the besieged. SIEGES FOR OCTOBER - STETTIN: Besieged by Robert Ker, Duke of Caverton WHITBY: Besieged by Richard Vere, a knight PETERHEAD: Besieged by Robert Douglas, Earl of Douglas. PHILIPPOPOLIS: Besieged by Gianni della Rovere, King of Sinigaglia. MAGDEBURG: Besieged by David Ker, Earl of Cessford HANOVER: Besieged by Gregor Lipa SEPTEMBER EVENTS - At Serres, the Epidamnos family tower (FAS=96), which was defended by Zacharias Epidamnos, Archbishop of Ochrida and Magistrate of Serres, with (M=637) 1,147 archers, 391 crew, 30,062 auxiliaries, 1,736 arque- busiers and 45 pikemen, was captured by assault by Bayezid II Osmanli, Sultan of the Ottomans, with (M=695) 34,284 archers, 928 heavy cavalry, 7,375 crew, 126,516 auxiliaries, 19,548 arquebusiers and 28,025 pikemen. 61,037 ducats, 19 cannons and one sail were also captured. At Stettin (FAR=999), Robert Ker (G=999), Duke of Calverton, subjected the walls to siege bombardment with his 54 cannons. Three of these self-destructed while inflicting no damage. Ernst Wolgast (G=999), King of Pomerania, then engaged in counter-battery fire with his 4,403 cannons, destroying the Duke's remaining 53 cannons while 89 of the King's cannons self-destructed. The Pope elevated Pablo Lepe, Archbishop of Canton, to the College of Cardinals. The Pope excommunicated Horst von Welf and all five members of the Thirkill family. Manuel Ximenez died attempting to march from Tetuan to Medina. At Naples, the Biringucci family tower (FAS=96), which was defended by nine tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Ferrante, King of Naples, with (M=885) 65,009 auxiliaries. In an urban battle fought inside of Augsburg while the magistrate/tenant, Wilhelm Seusenhofer, looked on from a tower, the tenant's garrison of 1,889 men (LOY=999) was attacked and killed by Filippo Orsini, Duke of Gravina, with (M=628) 95,055 auxiliaries, 32,755 arquebusiers, 36,525 pikemen, 23,238 archers and 5,940 heavy cavalry. The Duke, thereby, took control of the town. Inside Parma, assetless Francisco Po was attacked and defeated, but not killed, by Istvan Cseh, Magistrate of Kormoczbanya, with (M=999) 64,199 auxil- iaries and 20,000 arquebusiers. Henry VIII TUDOR wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Thomas WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Robert WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. ThomasWynter WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Dorothy WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Sir Andrew WOOD wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Jean BUDE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Guillaume BUDE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Louis BUDE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Jeannot BUDE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Charles BUDE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Robert KER wrote a diatribe against Ernst WOLGAST. Timothy KER wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. William SHEVES wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Douglas BUCHANAN wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Andrew BUCHANAN wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. William III KEITH wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Robert KEITH wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Donald FLETCHER wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Aaron FLETCHER wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Andrew HAY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Desiderius ERASMUS wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. David LINDSAY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Thomas ROTHERAM wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Richard ROTHERAM wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. John FISHER wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Hugh FRASER wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. John FRASER wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Albrecht DURER wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Hans DURER wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Gavin DOUGLAS wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. George DOUGLAS wrote a diatribe against William THIRKILL. Stephan SALAZAR wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Gaston SALAZAR wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Milon ILLIERS wrote a diatribe against Ernst WOLGAST. Rene ILLIERS wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Jerome MALET wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Antoine PERAULT wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Gerard PERAULT wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Raimond PERAULT wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Charles ALENCON wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Eric GADH wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Knut GADH wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Gaute IVARSSON wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Stefan JONSSON wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Lord James HAMILTON wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Archibald CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Abraham CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Colin CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. John ofLundy CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Edward STOREY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Stephen STOREY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Thomas STOREY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Martin STOREY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. John CUNNINGHAM wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Hugh PAVY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Owen PAVY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Richard PAVY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Anne BUTLER wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Edmund BUTLER wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Piers BUTLER wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Maurice FITZGERALD wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Edward LENE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Henry LENE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. John LENE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Richard LENE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Thomas LENE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. William ELPHINSTONE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Edward GUILDFORD wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Richard GUILDFORD wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Turlough O'BRIEN wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Agostino SPINOLA was appointed to the magistracy of SanRemo. Emil RICAUT wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Jean RICAUT wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. AnnedeFrance BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Louis BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Johann LAMARCK wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Robert III LAMARCK wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Pierre III ROHAN wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Rostaing ANCEZUNE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Andre ANCEZUNE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Peppin LECYVRIER wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Denis BRICONNET closed the market at LePuy. Charles VIII VALOIS wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Jacques BEAUNE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Mathieu DESCHARGES closed the market at Cherbourg. Pierre PEYRAT wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Guillaume CAPPEL wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Judith TERDAEGOBAZ planted 100 colonists at ElArish. Aristedes RANGABE shortened the road from TelAviv to Aleppo to 229 miles. Jacob RAHABI planted 100 colonists at Tangasseri. Michael RAHABI shortened the road from Arbaji to Dakkar to 272 miles. Henry PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Victorin PODEBRAD was appointed to the magistracy of SAAZ. Gustav SCHWEIDNITZ was appointed to the magistracy of MUNSTERBURG. Stefan SCHWEIDNITZ was appointed to the magistracy of Frankenstein. Henry PODEBRAD shortened the road from PRAGUE to HANOVER to 250 miles. Albrecht PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Bocek PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Hynek PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Victorin PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Jens BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Herluf BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Per BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Paul BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Horst BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. John LIPA wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Bourian LIPA wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Henry LIPA wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Trtchka LIPA wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Geraldo CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Ursula CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Fernao CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Marino CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Vasco CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Nicholas STYGGE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Viktor SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Gustav SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Herman SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Wenzel SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Stefan SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Chval JICIN wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Ulrich JICIN wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Vacha JICIN wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Albus JICIN wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Havel JICIN wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Malik Zafir TAHIRID shortened the road from Shihr to Dhofar to 269 miles. Abdalwahhab TAHIRID shortened the road from Hamadan to Tabriz to 217 mi. Enver MUSTAPHA shortened the road from Tergovist to Constantinople to 280 miles. Thomas WAKEFIELD wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. William WAKEFIELD wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. William WAKEFIELD shortened the road from Naples to Brescia to 358 miles. Innocent CIBO wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Edmund FITZGERALD was appointed to the magistracy of Setubal. Nicholas CIBO wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Alfonso BOBADILLA wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Garin LEGIER wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Edward STAFFORD wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Edward STAFFORD shortened the road from Dartmouth to Wakefield to 200 mi. Elizabeth STAFFORD shortened the road from Naples to Brescia to 349 miles. Michelangelo BUONAROTTI wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Diego LEPE shortened the road from Peking to Kaifeng to 332 miles. Giuliano ROVERE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Oliviero CARAFFA shortened the road from Naples to Siena to 225 miles. Giampietro CARAFFA shortened the road from Florence to Melfi to 210 miles. Domenico MASSIMI was appointed to the magistracy of Reggio. Roger BAUDRICOURT shortened the road from rosetta to Tripoli to 295 miles. Enzio MEDICI shortened the road from Guadix to Igualada to 272 miles. Rodolfo BAGLIONI was appointed to the magistracy of Namur. Oleksandr OLEKOVICH was appointed to the magistracy of Jassy. Lucas WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Sigismund WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Wladislaw WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Barbara WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Nicholas C. WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Istvan CSEH wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Peter CSEH wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Zygmunt CSEH wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Nicholas BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Andreas BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Stephen BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Sigismund BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Bozena BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Stefan BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Jakob SZEKELY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Zoltan NAGY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Zsolt NAGY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Emericus NAGY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Akos NAGY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Arpad NAGY wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. John FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Coloman FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Geza FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Gyula FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Ignaz FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. NEZAHUALPILI shortened the road from GraciasADios to Garachine. Jaotl COCHOTL shortened the road from GraciasADios to Garachine to 497 mi. Citli COCHOTL planted 100 colonists at Truxillo. Moxatli COCHOTL planted 100 colonists at Colon. Tonatricli COXCOX shortened the road from GraciasADios to Garachine to 491 miles. Tlitolotl TLITOLOTL shortened the road from GraciasADios to Garachine to 485 mi. Tzanuhei QUILTOTOTL shortened the road from GraciasADios to Garachine to 479 mi. Coxolotli QUILTOTOTL shortened the road from GraciasADios to Garachine to 473 miles. Centzontli QUILTOTOTL shortened the road from GraciasADios to Garachine to 467 miles. Antoniotto FREGOSI shortened the road from Genoa to Naples to 368 miles. Paolo FREGOSI shortened the road from Genoa to Naples to 359 miles. Pacifico BURLAMACCHI shortened the road from Genoa to Naples to 351 miles. Francesco MARTINI shortened the road from Genoa to Naples to 343 miles. Robert BLACKADDER shortened the road from Genoa to Naples to 334 miles. Adam BLACKADDER shortened the road from Amsterdam to Basel to 275 miles. Diego AZAMBUJA planted 100 colonists at GraciasADios. SOVEREIGNTY CHANGES - AMOL: Emir of Azerbaijan to Emir of Amol FEUDATORY CHANGES - ANTIOCH: GM of the Knights Templar to Magistrate of Antioch BRUGES: Marquis of Nassau-Dillenberg to King of Burgundy