R E N A I S S A N C E N E W S L E T T E R Issue Number 364 March 29, 2010 _______________________________________________________________________________ GM: Constantine Xanthos, 7080 NW 75th Street, Pompano Beach, Florida 33067 WEB SITE: cx.rensim.org PHONE: (954) 753-8002 EMAIL: cjxren@yahoo.com _______________________________________________________________________________ MAY ORDERS - Orders for May 1523 are due in my hands by April 18, 2010. PAYPAL - If you wish to pay your fees by credit card, you may now do so through Paypal. You may also use my Paypal account to pay by check, or by transfer from another Paypal account. The email address to use for my account is cxren@lycos.com. Paypal's address is WWW.PAYPAL.COM. NEW PLAYERSHIPS - MASCARENHAS: Kenny Root, 604 Dixon, La Junta CO 81050 RESULTS OF APRIL SIEGES - Robert Ker, Duke of Calverton, successfully completed his twenty-second month of siege at Stettin. Richard Vere, a knight, successfully completed his sixteenth month of siege at Whitby. Robert Douglas, Earl of Douglas, successfully completed his fourteenth month of siege at Peterhead. David Ker, Earl of Cessford, successfully completed his seventh month of siege at Magdeburg. Gregor Lipa successfully completed his seventh month of siege at Hanover. Gianni della Rovere, King of Sinigaglia, successfully completed his seventh month of siege at Philippopolis. Arthur Ker, Viscount of Jedburgh, successfully completed his fourth month of siege at Danzig. SIEGES FOR MAY - STETTIN: Besieged by Robert Ker, Duke of Caverton WHITBY: Besieged by Richard Vere, a knight PETERHEAD: Besieged by Robert Douglas, Earl of Douglas. PHILIPPOPOLIS: Besieged by Gianni della Rovere, King of Sinigaglia. MAGDEBURG: Besieged by David Ker, Earl of Cessford HANOVER: Besieged by Gregor Lipa DANZIG: Besieged by Arthur Ker, Viscount of Jedburgh KAIFENG: Besieged by Gerolamo Sanstefano, a knight APRIL EVENTS - At Stettin (FAR=999), Robert Ker (G=999), Duke of Calverton, subjected the walls to siege bombardment with his 10 cannons. One of these self-destructed while inflicting no damage. Ernst Wolgast (G=999), King of Pomerania, then engaged in counter-battery fire with his 3,819 cannons, destroying the Duke's remaining 9 cannons while 77 of the King's cannons self-destructed. Relics were venerated by Andrew Buchanan, William III Keith, Antonio and Giovanni Grimani, Niccolo Zeno, Oliviero Caraffa and Gilbert Gordon. In an urban battle fought inside of Copenhagen while Sten G. Sture, the location's magistrate and tenant, looked on from his family tower, his 500-man garrison (LOY=999) was attacked and killed by Egbert Ughtred with (M=999) 3,931 crew and 60,000 pikemen. The aggressor, thereby, acquired de facto control of the town. Nayif Erriad completed a pilgrimage at Mecca. Liebault Baudricourt completed a pilgrimage at Jerusalem. The colonial site of Maniow (FAS=10, FAR=0), which was defended by two garrison troops (LOY=728), was captured by assault by Stefan Schweidnitz, Bishop of Vienna, with (M=999) 1,188 auxiliaries. The Pope excommunicated Henry II, Helmut and Wolf von Welf as well as Lewis, Egbert, William, Harold and Ralph Thirkill. At Freudenthal, the undefended archbishop's tower (FAS=1) was captured by assault by Marino Cortereal with (M=999) 880 auxiliaries. At Leitmeritz, the undefended archbishop's tower (FAS=1) was captured by assault by Chval Jicin with (M=999) 490 auxiliaries. At Grunberg, the undefended archbishop's tower (FAS=1) was captured by assault by John Lipa with (M=999) 980 auxiliaries. At Mahdia, The Bruce family tower (FAS=20), which was defended by Robert Bruce, Bishop of RabbahAmmon, with (M=310) 3,070 auxiliaries, 3,932 arquebus- iers, 1,997 archers and 2,102 crew, was captured by assault by Girard Legier, Magistrate of Mahdia, with (M=740) 21,946 auxiliaries, 810 archers and 1,800 crew. The Bishop was killed and 2,069,002 ducats were captured. Outside Reggio, troopless Bernard Frangipani, Count of Zeng, was attacked and defeated by Domenico Massimi with (M=637) 13,241 light cavalry and 1,743 crew. The Count was not killed. 9,990 ducats were captured. James IV STEWART wrote a diatribe against George WITTELSBACH. Galahad THREEPWOOD wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Robert KER wrote a diatribe against Ernst WOLGAST. Arthur KER wrote a diatribe against Frederick FLENSBURG. Timothy KER wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Douglas BUCHANAN wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Andrew BUCHANAN wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. William III KEITH wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Robert KEITH wrote a diatribe against William THIRKILL. Donald FLETCHER wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Aaron FLETCHER wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. William SHEVES wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Andrew HAY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Desiderius ERASMUS wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. David LINDSAY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Richard ROTHERAM wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Thomas ROTHERAM wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. John FISHER wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Luke FISHER closed the market at SaintBriavels. Hugh FRASER wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. John FRASER wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Albert DURER wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Albrecht DURER wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Hans DURER wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Gavin DOUGLAS wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. George DOUGLAS wrote a diatribe against William THIRKILL. Stephan SALAZAR wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Gaston SALAZAR wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Milon ILLIERS wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Rene ILLIERS wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Charles ALENCON wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Francoise ALENCON opened the market at Corvo. Jerome MALET wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Antoine PERAULT wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Gerard PERAULT wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Raimond PERAULT wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Eric GADH wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Knut GADH wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Gaute IVARSSON wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Stefan JONSSON wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Nicholas SCHADE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Anne BUTLER wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Edmund BUTLER wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Piers BUTLER wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Maurice FITZGERALD wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Andrew BARTON planted 100 colonists at Basseterre. Lord James HAMILTON wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Archibald CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Abraham CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Colin CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Duncan CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. John ofLundy CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Hugh PAVY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Owen PAVY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Richard PAVY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Edward STOREY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Stephen STOREY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Thomas STOREY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Martin STOREY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. John CUNNINGHAM wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Egbert UGHTRED wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Edward LENE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Henry LENE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. John LENE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Richard LENE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Thomas LENE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. William ELPHINSTONE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. John VERE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Edward GUILDFORD wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Richard GUILDFORD wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Mary TUDOR wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Henry VIII TUDOR wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Thomas NEVILLE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Sir Andrew WOOD wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Thomas WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Robert WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. ThomasWynter WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Dorothy WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. George TALBOT wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Jean BUDE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Guillaume BUDE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Louis BUDE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Jeannot BUDE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Charles BUDE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Sigismund WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Wladislaw WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Barbara WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Lucas WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Nicholas C. WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Istvan CSEH wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Peter CSEH wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Zygmunt CSEH wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Andreas BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Nicholas BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Sigismund BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Stephen BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Viktor BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Stefan BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Jakob SZEKELY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Zoltan NAGY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Arpad NAGY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Emericus NAGY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Zsolt NAGY wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Coloman FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Geza FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Gyula FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Ignaz FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. John FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Citli COCHOTL planted 100 colonists at Truxillo. Moxatli COCHOTL planted 100 colonists at Colon. Jeronimo AZAMBUJA shortened the road from TelAviv to ArRutbah to 301 mi. Diego AZAMBUJA planted 100 colonists at GraciasADios. Raimund FUGGER was appointed to the magistracy of Salzburg. Baudoin BURGUNDY was appointed to the magistracy of Huy. Francesco MARTINI shortened the road from Genoa to PievediCadore to 213 miles. Antoniotto FREGOSI shortened the road from Genoa to PievediCadore to 204 miles. Pacifico BURLAMACCHI shortened the road from Genoa to PievediCadore to 195 miles. Robert BLACKADDER shortened the road from Genoa to PievediCadore to 186 miles. Jacques BEAUNE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Pierre PEYRAT wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Denis BRICONNET wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Emil RICAUT wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Jean RICAUT wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Johann LAMARCK wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Robert III LAMARCK wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Rostaing ANCEZUNE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Andre ANCEZUNE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. AnnedeFrance BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Francis BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Louis BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Peppin LECYVRIER wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Pierre III ROHAN wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Charles VIII VALOIS wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Guillaume CAPPEL wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Hynek PODEBRAD was appointed to the magistracy of PARDUBITZ. Henry PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Albrecht PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Bocek PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Hynek PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Victorin PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Jens BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Horst BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Herluf BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Per BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Paul BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Geraldo CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Ursula CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Fernao CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Marino CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Vasco CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Chval JICIN wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Ulrich JICIN wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Vacha JICIN wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Albus JICIN wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Havel JICIN wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Viktor SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Gustav SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Herman SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Wenzel SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Stefan SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. John LIPA wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Bourian LIPA wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Henry LIPA wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Trtchka LIPA wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Nicholas STYGGE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Svante STYGGE wrote a diatribe against Jan Amor TARNOWSKI. Jorge COSTA was appointed to the magistracy of oporto. Pedro COSTA closed the market at Estella. Jacob RAHABI planted 100 colonists at Tangasseri. Michael RAHABI shortened the road from Arbaji to Dakkar to 230 miles. Aristedes RANGABE shortened the road from TelAviv to ArRutbah to 292 mi. Izmet YAKUBOGLU shortened the road from Adrianople to Tergovist to 202 mi. Malik Zafir TAHIRID shortened the road from Shihr to Dhofar to 227 miles. Abdalwahhab TAHIRID shortened the road from Shushter to Shiraz to 268 mi. Ahmed HAMADANI shortened the road from Hamadan to Yezd to 346 miles. Mamoun TULANBI shortened the road from Shiraz to Isfahan to 195 miles. Pietro MALIPIERO closed the market at Kyrenia. Giuliano ROVERE wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Giuliano ROVERE shortened the road from Peking to Kaifeng to 310 miles. Domenigo ROVERE shortened the road from Nuremburg to Bologna to 234 miles. Thomas WAKEFIELD wrote a diatribe against Ralph THIRKILL. Guy LEGIER shortened the road from Naples to Brescia to 232 miles. Edward STAFFORD wrote a diatribe against Albrecht WITTELSBACH. Elizabeth STAFFORD shortened the road from Naples to Brescia to 223 miles. Michelangelo BUONAROTTI wrote a diatribe against Albrecht WITTELSBACH. Oliviero CARAFFA shortened the road from Naples to Siena to 198 miles. Oberto GIOVANNI shortened the road from Florence to Nuremburg to 335 mi. Antonio GIOVANNI shortened the road from Florence to Nuremburg to 329 mi. Roger BAUDRICOURT shortened the road from rosetta to Tripoli to 267 miles. Enzio MEDICI shortened the road from Guadix to Igualada to 209 miles. FEUDATORY CHANGES - WESTMINSTER: Mag. of Westminster to Earl of Westminster TENANCY CHANGES - Baron of Cardiff to Magistrate of Cardiff NAVAL MAINTENANCE ATTRITION - YEAR BARQUES GALLIOTS GALLEYS CARAVELS ROUNDSHIPS 1523 4,055 207 28 139 96 1522 4,175 227 37 282 142 1521 3,864 341 129 460 359 1520 2,867 127 44 170 146 1519 2,887 72 33 74 150 1518 2,162 102 45 176 220 1517 3,217 141 27 119 140 1516 3,709 169 89 354 203 1515 3,505 223 108 236 249 1514 4,427 382 220 576 488 1513 5,438 434 234 567 404 1512 3,983 259 100 218 225 1511 3,898 349 48 75 93 1510 3,775 357 45 118 47 1509 3,790 172 39 116 87 1508 3,290 151 56 204 163 1507 3,380 123 57 77 53