R E N A I S S A N C E N E W S L E T T E R Issue Number 389 September 5, 2011 _______________________________________________________________________________ GM: Constantine Xanthos, 4050 N. Ocean Drive, Unit 204, Lauderdale by the Sea, FL 33308 WEB SITE: cx.rensim.org EMAIL: cjxren@yahoo.com _______________________________________________________________________________ JUNE ORDERS - Orders for June 1525 are due in my hands by September 25, 2011. NEW PLAYERSHIPS - NORONHA: Kenny Root, 604 Dixon, La Junta CO 81050 IFE & WHYDAH: Keith Root, 500 N. Tenth St., Rockyford CO 81067 RESULTS OF APRIL SIEGES - Robert Ker, Duke of Calverton, ended his siege at Stettin by capturing the city by assault. Gregor Lipa ended his siege at Hanover by capturing the city by assault. Gianni della Rovere, King of Sinigaglia, ended his siege at Philippopolis by capturing the city by assault. Arthur Ker, Viscount of Jedburgh, successfully completed his twenty- ninth month of siege at Danzig. Henry Talbot successfully completed his tenth month of siege at Bern. SIEGES FOR JUNE - BERN: Besieged by Henry Talbot, a knight DANZIG: Besieged by Arthur Ker, Viscount of Jedburgh MAY EVENTS - Gaute Ivarsson, Archbishop of Trondheim, appointed Abraham Campbell Bishop of Skalholt. Outside Prague, Adolf Kiefuss was assassinated by Nicholas and Egbert Stygge. At Stettin (FAR=999), Robert Ker (G=999), Duke of Calverton, subjected the walls to siege bombardment with his 10 cannons. One of these self-destructed while inflicting no damage. Ernst Wolgast (G=999), King of Pomerania, then engaged in counter-battery fire with his 2,299 cannons, destroying the Duke's remaining 9 cannons while 46 of the King's cannons self-destructed. At Danzig (FAR=999), Arthur Ker (G=949), Count of Jedburgh, subjected the walls to siege bombardment with his 10 cannons. One of these self-destructed while inflicting no damage. Frederick Flensburg(G=999) then engaged in counter- battery fire with his 1,179 cannons, 24 of which self-destructed. All nine of the Count's remaining cannons were, thereby, destroyed. The city of Stettin (FAS=999, FAR=999), which was defended by Ernst Wolgast, King of Pomerania, with (M=267, G=999) 175 crew, 2,253 cannons and 2,270 falconets, was captured by assault by Robert Ker, Duke of Calverton, with (M=999) 94,992 auxiliaries, 65,679 arquebusiers, 123,086 pikemen, 122,211 archers and 27,817 heavy cavalary. The King was killed. The Ducal forces made off with 7,885,585 ducats, 2,207 cannons, 2,224 falconets, 166,189 grain, 18,348 salt fish, 835 ale, 13,099 spirits, 1,271 kerseys, 5,486 broadcloth, 4,960 fustians, 20,061 fur, 7,650 linen, 16,351 woolens, 934 velvet, 5,337 camlet, 900 silk cloth, 3,712 lead, 2,254 steel, 15,891 timber, 1,000 tile, 493 marble, 280 arquebuses, 5,274 saltpeter, 5,725 trinkets, 16,814 pottery, 9,252 books, 13,252 candles, 764 tobacco, 2,080 sweet potatoes, 1,041 quinine, 1,189 cocoa, 531 galipot, 2,810 carpets, 2,315 manuscripts, 1,487 tapestry, 434 carvings, 13,490 amber, 1,000 coral, 16,501 hemp, 10,881 salt, 8,167 wax, 7,777 barrels and 3,787 paper. Inside Pecs, the Navarro family tower (FAS=38), which was defended by three tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Bela Cseh, Magistrate of Pecs, with (M=982) 3,150 auxiliaries, 3,500 arquebusiers, 1,950 pikemen and 1,000 heavy cavalry while only two assaulting auxiliaries were lost. Inside Knin, the Gereb family tower (FAS=200), which was defended by 20 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Sigismund Bathory with (M=927) 2,433 auxiliaries. 16 auxiliaries were lost. Inside Esztergrom, the Frangipani family tower (FAS=30), which was defended by three tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Alexander Budweis, Magistrate of Esztegrom, with (M=997) 10,000 auxiliaries, 2,000 arque- busiers and 121 crew. Two auxiliaries were lost. Inside Olmutz, the Fbathory family tower (FAS=31), which was defended by three tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Stefan Budweis with (M=994) 4,500 auxiliaries and 5,300 arquebusiers. Two auxiliaries were lost. Inside Szegedin, the Cesh family tower (FAS=93), which was defended by 9 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Jakob Szekely, Baron of Ormosd, with (M=999) 3,000 pikemen and 1,000 heavy cavalry. Four pikemen were lost. Inside Mielec, the undefended Chotkowski family tower (FAS=1) was captured by assault by Lavenas Jagiello, King of Hungary, with (M=681) 400 crew, 400 heavy cavalry, 1,000 archers, 1,000 arquebusiers and 3,813 auxiliaries. In an urban battle fought inside of Krasnik, de facto control of the loca- tion was taken by Hedwig Jagellon with 629 auxiliaries and 167 heavy cavalry who killed its garrison of two men (LOY=530). One Jagellon auxiliary was lost. At Hanover (FAR=999), Gregor Lipa (G=167) subjected the walls to siege bombardment with his 11 cannons. One of these self-destructed while inflicting no damage. Anton Dortmund (G=999) then engaged in counter-battery fire with his 7 cannons, destroying 7 of the remaining Lipa cannons while one of his own self-destructed. The city of Hanover (FAS=-999, FAR=999), which was defended by Anton Dort- mund with (M=728, G=999) 309 auxiliaries, 15 arquebusiers, 4 pikemen, 11 archers, 2 heavy cavalry, 116 crew and 6 cannons, was captured by assault by Gregor Lipa with (M=998) 122,495 auxiliaries, 109,700 arquebusiers, 66,336 pikemen, 47,890 archers, 2,306 heavy cavalry and 6,488 crew. 5,739,106 ducats, 5 cannons, 79,410 wine, 11 iron and 21,227 timber were also captured. The city of Philippopolis (FAS=999, FAR=999), which was defended by Semen Tarnowski, Duke of Przemysl, and Abdul Daoudoglu, Grand Vizier, (G=999) with (M=364) 10 garrison troops, 84 arquebusiers, 2,938 auxiliaries, 21 heavy cavalry, 176 pikemen, 295 archers, 1,865 crew and 62 cannons, was captured by assault by Gianni Rovere, King of Sinigaglia, with (M=999) 480,886 auxiliaries, 69,456 arquebusiers, 91,230 pikemen, 56,871 archers, 794 heavy cavalry and 15,095 crew. The Duke and Grand Vizier were killed. The King's forces also captured 37,810,598 ducats, 129 horses, 60 cannons, 381,986 grain, 81,728 wine, 1,110 iron, 64 armor 3,213 bows, 2,289 arquebuses, 3,045 pikemen, 54,686 raw silk and 5,059 small arms. Egbert STYGGE wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Nicholas STYGGE wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Svante STYGGE wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Robert KER wrote a diatribe against Ernst WOLGAST. Arthur KER wrote a diatribe against Frederick FLENSBURG. Walter BUCHANAN wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Robert BUCHANAN wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Andrew BUCHANAN wrote a diatribe against Ernst WOLGAST. William III KEITH produced a work of art critical of Ernst WOLGAST. Aaron FLETCHER produced a work of art critical of Ernst WOLGAST. Donald FLETCHER produced a work of art critical of Ernst WOLGAST. Archibald CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Ernst WOLGAST. Abraham CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Ernst WOLGAST. Colin CAMPBELL produced a work of art critical of Ernst WOLGAST. Duncan CAMPBELL produced a work of art critical of Ernst WOLGAST. John ofLundy CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Ernst WOLGAST. Robert DOUGLAS planted 100 colonists at Killearn. Andrew HAY produced a work of art critical of Ernst WOLGAST. Richard ROTHERAM wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Hugh FRASER wrote a diatribe against Ernst WOLGAST. Albert DURER produced a work of art critical of Ernst WOLGAST. Albrecht DURER produced a work of art critical of Ernst WOLGAST. Hans DURER produced a work of art critical of Anton DORTMUND. Agnes LIVINGSTONE wrote a diatribe against Ernst WOLGAST. Gaston SALAZAR wrote a diatribe against Ernst WOLGAST. Rene ILLIERS wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Desiderius ERASMUS wrote a diatribe against Ernst WOLGAST. Nicholas SCHADE wrote a diatribe against Ernst WOLGAST. Andrews FLETCHER was appointed to the magistracy of Riga. Andrew BARTON planted 100 colonists at FortdeFrance. Edward STOREY produced a work of art critical of Ernst WOLGAST. Thomas STOREY produced a work of art critical of Ernst WOLGAST. Martin STOREY produced a work of art critical of Ernst WOLGAST. Sigismund WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Wladislaw WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Barbara WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Nicholas C. WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Lucas WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Gabor CSEH wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Istvan CSEH wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Peter CSEH wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Zygmunt CSEH wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Andreas BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Nicholas BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Sigismund BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Stephen BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Viktor BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Alexander BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Jiri BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Bozena BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Stefan BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Coloman FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Geza FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Gyula FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Ignaz FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. John FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Zsolt NAGY wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Emericus NAGY wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Akos NAGY wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Arpad NAGY wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Zoltan NAGY wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Fritz SZEKELY wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Jakob SZEKELY wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Philibert ORANGE was appointed to the magistracy of ARLAY. Peppin LECYVRIER wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Simon LECYVRIER wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Leon ROHAN wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Pierre III ROHAN wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Gaston AUSSONVILIER wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. AnnedeFrance BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Francis BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Louis BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Pierre BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Emil RICAUT wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Jean RICAUT wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Anne BRICONNET wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Denis BRICONNET wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Charles VIII VALOIS wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Pierre PEYRAT wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Jacques BEAUNE wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Martin BEAUNE wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Johann LAMARCK wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Robert III LAMARCK wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Rostaing ANCEZUNE wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Andre ANCEZUNE wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Guillaume ANCEZUNE wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Hector BOURBONNAIS wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Louis BOURBONNAIS wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Guillaume CAPPEL wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. John Albert JAGIELLO wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Sigismund JAGIELLO wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Hedwig JAGELLON wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Frederyk JAGELLON wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Elizabeth JAGELLON wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Helen JAGELLON wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Henry PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Wenzel SCHWEIDNITZ was appointed to the magistracy of BERGREICHSTEIN. Victorin PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Stefan SCHWEIDNITZ was appointed to the magistracy of TESCHEN. Albrecht PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Hynek PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Bocek PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Horst BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Herluf BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Per BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Paul BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Jens BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Chval JICIN wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Vacha JICIN wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Albus JICIN wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Ulrich JICIN wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Havel JICIN wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Geraldo CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Ursula CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Fernao CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Marino CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Vasco CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Viktor SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Gustav SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Wenzel SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Herman SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Stefan SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. John LIPA wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Bourian LIPA wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Henry LIPA wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Trtchka LIPA wrote a diatribe against Anton DORTMUND. Julia THREEPWOOD was appointed to the magistracy of Diss. Edward STAFFORD wrote a diatribe against Albrecht DORTMUND. Galahad THREEPWOOD wrote a diatribe against Albrecht DORTMUND. Mary TUDOR wrote a diatribe against Albrecht DORTMUND. Henry VIII TUDOR wrote a diatribe against Albrecht DORTMUND. Thomas WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht DORTMUND. Robert WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht DORTMUND. ThomasWynter WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht DORTMUND. Dorothy WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Albrecht DORTMUND. Jean BUDE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht DORTMUND. Guillaume BUDE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht DORTMUND. Louis BUDE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht DORTMUND. Jeannot BUDE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht DORTMUND. Charles BUDE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht DORTMUND. Sir Andrew WOOD wrote a diatribe against Albrecht DORTMUND. Thomas NEVILLE wrote a diatribe against Albrecht DORTMUND. Wilhelm I BRABANT closed the market at Ulm. Naim MOKHA shortened the road from Dhofar to JebelAkhdar to 232 miles. Haydar ERRIAD shortened the road from cairo to Qus to 274 miles. Hazza QITADA shortened the road from Medina to Unayzah to 225 miles. Ali SAFAVID shortened the road from Tabriz to Derbent to 260 miles. Bassima SAFAVID shortened the road from Diarbekr to Karaman to 298 miles. Ihab SAFAVID shortened the road from Tun to Kerman to 212 miles. Ahmed HAMADANI shortened the road from Hamadan to Mosul to 251 miles. Alaaldawla BAKHTISHAH shortened the road from Herat to Balkh to 261 miles. Mamoun TULANBI shortened the road from Shiraz to Jiruft to 263 miles. Mansur AFSHAR shortened the road from Teheran to Tun to 386 miles. Enver MUSTAPHA shortened the road from Brusa to Karaman to 280 miles. Ahmed JUMBLAT shortened the road from Beirut to Deir to 265 miles. Oberto GIOVANNI shortened the road from FLORENCE to Gravina to 319 miles. Giuliano ROVERE shortened the road from Kaifeng to Yenan to 256 miles. Diego LEPE shortened the road from Peking to Chihfu to 241 miles. Garin LEGIER shortened the road from belgrade to philippopolis to 199 mi. Richard WAKEFIELD shortened the road from Cairo to Qina to 226 miles. Henry WAKEFIELD shortened the road from Cairo to Qina to 217 miles. Thomas WAKEFIELD shortened the road from Cairo to Qina to 208 miles. Kurt GOLDLI shortened the road from Belgrade to Cracow to 358 miles. Linhart TUCHER was appointed to the magistracy of Bobbio. Pacifico BURLAMACCHI shortened the road from Mantua to Belgrade to 441 mi. Cuintli TLACUA deepened the harbor at Cempoala to 10 feet. Atititl OPOCHTLILI planted 100 colonists at Guanajuato. Tochtli OPOCHTLILI planted 100 colonists at TierraDeBrea. Citli COCHOTL planted 100 colonists at Tetelcingo. SOVEREIGNTY CHANGES - TRIER: Duke of Huntly to Archbishop of Trier CRACOW: Khan of Samarkand to King of Schwarzburg-Blankenberg BEYPORE: Zamorin of Calicut to King of Jerusalem TENANCY CHANGES - TESCHEN: Sovereign Duke of Teschen to Magistrate of Teschen