R E N A I S S A N C E N E W S L E T T E R Issue Number 390 September 26, 2011 _______________________________________________________________________________ GM: Constantine Xanthos, 4050 N. Ocean Drive, Unit 204, Lauderdale by the Sea, FL 33308 WEB SITE: cx.rensim.org EMAIL: cjxren@yahoo.com _______________________________________________________________________________ JULY ORDERS - Orders for July 1525 are due in my hands by October 16, 2011. ARCHIVES - Issue #149 was mailed out to subscribers this morning. NEW PLAYERSHIPS - SILVA: Damon Graham, 1901 Peony Drive, Louisville KY 40211 RESULTS OF JUNE SIEGES - Arthur Ker, Viscount of Jedburgh, ended his siege at Danzig by capturing the town by assault. Henry Talbot successfully completed his eleventh month of siege at Bern. SIEGES FOR JULY - BERN: Besieged by Henry Talbot, a knight ANSBACH: Besieged by Jens Brostrup, Archbishop of Lund JUNE EVENTS - Sigismund Jagiello was appointed Bishop of Breslau. At Danzig (FAR=999), Arthur Ker (G=956), Count of Jedburgh, subjected the walls to siege bombardment with his 10 cannons. One of these self-destructed while inflicting no damage. Frederick Flensburg(G=999) then engaged in counter- battery fire with his 1,157 cannons, 24 of which self-destructed. All nine of the Count's remaining cannons were, thereby, destroyed. Subsequently, Danzig (FAS=999, FAR=999), which was defended by Janos Urban (G=119, M=683) with 5 auxiliaries and 280 falconets and Frederick Flensburg (G=999, M=588), a knight, with 1,133 cannons, 200 auxiliaries, 175 pikemen, 132 arquebusiers, 374 archers, 12 heavy cavalry and 1,309 crew, was captured by assault by Arthur Ker, Marquess of Jedburgh, with (M=999) 30,400 pikemen and 463,210 auxiliaries. The defenders were all killed. 4 horses, 274 falconets, 20,000 woolens, 12,747,480 grain, 381 silver, 17,433 iron, 2,431 small arms, 430 arquebuses, 743 pikes, 500 tobacco, 800 amber, 6,270,149 ducats, 1,110 cannons, 39,969 beer, 13,800 broadcloth, 198,848 timber, 7,276 sweet potatoes, 9,800 cocoa, 1,933 tapestry, 2,074 amber, 44,358 pitch and 4,000 cordage were also taken. Outside Pest, assetless Zero Zemaitis was attacked and defeated, but not killed, by Peter Cseh, Magistrate of Pest, with (M=997) 7,851 auxiliaries, 1,000 arquebusiers and 1,000 pikemen. Outside Nagykoros, assetless Benedek Thuroczy was attacked and defeated, but not killed, by Arpad Nagy, Magistrate of Nagykoros, with (M=999) 1,000 pikemen. Inside Mielec, Lavenas Jagiello, King of Hungary, took de facto control of the colony by defeating its two-man garrison with his (M=683) 400 crew, 400 heavy cavalry, 3,851 auxiliaries, 1,000 arquebusiers and 1,000 archers. Two auxiliaries and two points of morale were lost by the King. The undefended town of Nagpur (FAS=500, FAR=0) was captured by assault by Naim Ahmadabad with (M=458) 999 archers. At Szegedin, the Pallavicino family tower (FAS=600), which was defended by 60 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Jakob Szekely, Magistrate of Szegedin, with (M=999) 2,996 auxiliaries, 3,000 pikemen and 1,000 heavy cavalry. At Majdan, the Thurzo family tower (FAS=101), which was defended by ten tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Magdalena Szekely, Magistrate of Majdan, with (M=999) 3,055 auxiliaries. At Esztergrom, the Urban family tower (FAS=13), which was defended by one tower garrison troop, was captrued by assault by Alexander Budweis, Magistrate of Esztergrom. At Buda, the Frangipani family tower (FAS=700)), which was defended by 70 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by John Filipecz, Bishop of Nagyvarad, with (M=999) 10,000 auxiliaries. At Krasnik, the bishop's tower (FAS=100), which was defended by ten tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Hedwig Jagellon with (M=869) 628 auxiliaries and 167 heavy cavalry. Inside Hanover, the Thirkill family tower (FAS=20), which was defended by two tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Gregor Lipa with (M=899) 120,306 auxiliaries, 109,700 arquebusiers, 66,336 pikemen, 47,890 archers, 2,306 heavy cavalry and 6,488 crew. Inside Olhao during the absence of Simone Laurana, the location's de facto controller, control was taken by Duarte Costa, Magistrate of Olhao, through unopposed urban battle orders issued to his (M=763) 21,589 auxiliaries. Arthur KER wrote a diatribe against Frederick FLENSBURG. Walter BUCHANAN wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Robert BUCHANAN wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Andrew BUCHANAN wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Archibald CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. John ofLundy CAMPBELL wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Robert DOUGLAS planted 17 colonists at Killearn. Richard ROTHERAM wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Agnes LIVINGSTONE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Gaston SALAZAR wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Rene ILLIERS wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Desiderius ERASMUS wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Nicholas SCHADE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Sigismund WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Wladislaw WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Barbara WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Nicholas C. WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Lucas WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Fritz SZEKELY wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Jakob SZEKELY wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Gabor CSEH wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Istvan CSEH wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Peter CSEH wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Zygmunt CSEH wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Andreas BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Nicholas BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Sigismund BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Stephen BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Viktor BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Alexander BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Jiri BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Bozena BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Stefan BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Coloman FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Geza FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. John FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Ignaz FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Gyula FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Arpad NAGY wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Emericus NAGY wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Akos NAGY wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Zoltan NAGY wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Zsolt NAGY wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. John Albert JAGIELLO wrote a diatribe against Albert HOHENZOLLERN. Sigismund JAGIELLO wrote a diatribe against Albert HOHENZOLLERN. Hedwig JAGELLON closed the market at Krasnik. Hedwig JAGELLON wrote a diatribe against Albert HOHENZOLLERN. Frederyk JAGELLON wrote a diatribe against Albert HOHENZOLLERN. Elizabeth JAGELLON wrote a diatribe against Albert HOHENZOLLERN. Helen JAGELLON wrote a diatribe against Albert HOHENZOLLERN. Peppin LECYVRIER wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Simon LECYVRIER wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Leon ROHAN wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Pierre III ROHAN wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Jacques BEAUNE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Martin BEAUNE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. AnnedeFrance BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Francis BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Louis BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Pierre BOURBON wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Anne BRICONNET wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Denis BRICONNET wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Johann LAMARCK wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Robert III LAMARCK wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Emil RICAUT wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Jean RICAUT wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Gaston AUSSONVILIER wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Hector BOURBONNAIS wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Louis BOURBONNAIS wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Charles VIII VALOIS wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Pierre PEYRAT wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Rostaing ANCEZUNE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Andre ANCEZUNE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Guillaume ANCEZUNE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Guillaume CAPPEL wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Henry PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Victorin PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Albrecht PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Hynek PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Bocek PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Geraldo CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Ursula CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Albrecht DORTMUND. Fernao CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Marino CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Vasco CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Horst BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Herluf BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Per BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Paul BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Jens BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Chval JICIN wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Vacha JICIN wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Albus JICIN wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Ulrich JICIN wrote a diatribe against Albrecht DORTMUND. Havel JICIN wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Viktor SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Gustav SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Wenzel SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Herman SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Stefan SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. John LIPA wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Bourian LIPA wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Henry LIPA wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Trtchka LIPA wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Egbert STYGGE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Nicholas STYGGE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Svante STYGGE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Edward STAFFORD wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Galahad THREEPWOOD wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Ahmed JUMBLAT shortened the road from Beirut to Deir to 256 miles. Alphonso ESTE opened the market at Oran. Ercole ESTE opened the market at Ferrara. Michele GIOCONDO opened the market at Palermo. Fabrizio GIOCONDO opened the market at Vienna. Bastiano SANGALLO opened the market at Metz. Camillopardo ORSINI opened the market at Taranto. Giambattista ORSINI opened the market at Trapani. Luigi SAVONAROLA opened the market at Marrakesh. Niccolo MACHIAVELLI opened the market at Pisa. Mary TUDOR wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Henry VIII TUDOR wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Thomas WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Robert WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. ThomasWynter WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Dorothy WOLSEY wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Jean BUDE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Guillaume BUDE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Louis BUDE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Jeannot BUDE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Charles BUDE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Sir Andrew WOOD wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Thomas NEVILLE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Edward LENE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Henry LENE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. John LENE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Richard LENE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Thomas LENE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. William ELPHINSTONE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. John VERE wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Edward GUILDFORD wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Richard GUILDFORD wrote a diatribe against Gur AKRAR. Naim MOKHA shortened the road from Dhofar to JebelAkhdar to 223 miles. Tawfiq ERRIAD shortened the road from Erriad to Doha to 293 miles. Haydar ERRIAD shortened the road from cairo to Qus to 265 miles. Hazza QITADA shortened the road from Medina to Unayzah to 216 miles. Enver MUSTAPHA shortened the road from Brusa to Karaman to 271 miles. Ali SAFAVID shortened the road from Tabriz to Derbent to 251 miles. Bassima SAFAVID shortened the road from Diarbekr to Karaman to 289 miles. Ihab SAFAVID shortened the road from Tun to Kerman to 203 miles. Ahmed HAMADANI shortened the road from Hamadan to Mosul to 242 miles. Alaaldawla BAKHTISHAH shortened the road from Herat to Balkh to 252 miles. Mamoun TULANBI shortened the road from Shiraz to Jiruft to 254 miles. Bello IFE was appointed to the magistracy of KANO. Michelangelo BUONAROTTI shortened the road from Belgrade to Cracow to 349 miles. Gianni ROVERE shortened the road from Philippopolis to Constanza to 236 mi. Giuliano ROVERE shortened the road from Kaifeng to Yenan to 247 miles. Diego LEPE shortened the road from Peking to Chihfu to 233 miles. Guy AUBUSSON shortened the road from Ragusa to Belgrade to 180 miles. Richard WAKEFIELD shortened the road from Cairo to Siwa to 317 miles. Henry WAKEFIELD shortened the road from Cairo to Qina to 199 miles. Giuliano ROVERE was appointed to the magistracy of Kaifeng. Thomas WAKEFIELD shortened the road from Cairo to Qina to 190 miles. Giles LEGIER shortened the road from Belgrade to Cracow to 345 miles. Kurt GOLDLI shortened the road from Belgrade to Cracow to 336 miles. Oberto GIOVANNI shortened the road from FLORENCE to Gravina to 313 miles. Margaret HAPSBOURG was appointed to the magistracy of Antwerp. Raimund FUGGER was appointed to the magistracy of Ypres. Peter BUBENBERG was appointed to the magistracy of Schwaz. Pacifico BURLAMACCHI shortened the road from Mantua to Belgrade to 432 mi. Cuintli TLACUA deepened the harbor at Cempoala to 11 feet. Atititl OPOCHTLILI planted 100 colonists at Guanajuato. Tochtli OPOCHTLILI planted 100 colonists at TierraDeBrea. Citli COCHOTL planted 100 colonists at Tetelcingo. SOVEREIGNTY CHANGES - STETTIN: King of Pomerania to King of Scotland HANOVER: King of Schwarzburg-Rudolstad to King of Saxony PHILIPPOPOLIS: Khan of Samarkand to Sultan of the Ottomans