R E N A I S S A N C E N E W S L E T T E R Issue Number 420 June 17, 2013 _______________________________________________________________________________ GM: Constantine Xanthos, 4050 N. Ocean Drive, Unit 204, Lauderdale by the Sea, FL 33308 WEB SITE: cx.rensim.org EMAIL: cjxren@yahoo.com _______________________________________________________________________________ JANUARY ORDERS - Orders for January 1528 are due in my hands by July 7, 2013. RESULTS OF DECEMBER SIEGES - Lazarus Goldli, Magistrate of Enos, successfully completed his fourteenth month of siege at Palermo. Guillaume Legier, Magistrate of Anatolihissar, successfully completed his thirteenth month of siege at Salonika. Gregor Lipa, Magistrate of Hanover, successfully completed his eighth month of siege at Lemberg. Helen Jagellon successfully completed her third month of siege at Beszterce. SIEGES FOR JANUARY - PALERMO: Besieged by Lazarus Goldli, Magistrate of Enos SALONIKA: Besieged by Guillaume Legier, Magistrate of Anatolihissar LEMBERG: Besieged by Gregor Lipa, Magistrate of Hanover BESZTERCE: Besieged by Helen Jagellon GRANDMASTER ELECTION - A new grandmaster for the Knights Templar will be elected at Troyes in February of 1528. All Catholic males commencing the turn at that location will be eligible to cast a vote. DECEMBER EVENTS - A pilgrimage to Loreto was completed by Tomasso Euffreducci. The Pope excommunicated Ercole, Ferrante and Ippolito d'Este. During the absence of its DFC, Rafal Leszczynski, the undefended town of Dobsina (FAS=500, FAR=0) was captured by assault by Frederyk Jagellon, Arch- bishop of Gnesen, with (M=844) 1,144 auxiliaries. Inside Florence, the Savonarola family tower (FAS=800), which was defended by 80 tower garrison troops, was captured by assault by Oberto Giovanni, Gonfaloniere of Florence, with (M=982) 60,014 auxiliaries, 15,845 arquebusiers, 1,549 pikemen, 66,970 archers, 1,315heavy cavalry and 14,971 crew. Giuliano ROVERE shortened the road from Hangginqi to Liangchou to 318 mi. Richard WAKEFIELD shortened the road from Cairo to Kosseir to 292 miles. William WAKEFIELD shortened the road from Naples to Urbino to 220 miles. Edward LENE deepened the harbor at Douglas to 16 feet. Jeannot BUDE was appointed to the magistracy of Dorchester. Louis BUDE was appointed to the magistracy of Plymouth. Maud VERE was appointed to the magistracy of Portsmouth. Katherine TALBOT was appointed to the magistracy of Kersey. Lucas WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Nicholas C. WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Wladislaw WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Sigismund WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Barbara WATZELRODE wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Gabor CSEH wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Istvan CSEH wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Peter CSEH wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Zygmunt CSEH wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Andreas BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. George BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Nicholas BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Sigismund BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Stephen BATHORY wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Fritz SZEKELY wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Jakob SZEKELY wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Bozena BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Jiri BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Alexander BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Stefan BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Viktor BUDWEIS wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Akos NAGY wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Arpad NAGY wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Emericus NAGY wrote a diatribe against Frederick HENNEBERG. Zoltan NAGY wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Zsolt NAGY wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Gyula FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Geza FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Coloman FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Ignaz FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. John FILIPECZ wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Lavenas JAGIELLO was appointed to the magistracy of DES. Sigismund JAGIELLO wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. John Albert JAGIELLO wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Frederyk JAGELLON wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Elizabeth JAGELLON wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Hedwig JAGELLON wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Albrecht PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Henry PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Hynek PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Bocek PODEBRAD wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Egbert STYGGE wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Nicholas STYGGE wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Svante STYGGE wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Hengist STYGGE wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Geraldo CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Ursula CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Vasco CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Marino CORTEREAL wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Chval JICIN wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Vacha JICIN wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Ulrich JICIN wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Havel JICIN wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Gustav SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Viktor SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Wenzel SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Herman SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Stefan SCHWEIDNITZ wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. John LIPA wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Bourian LIPA wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Henry LIPA wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Trtchka LIPA wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Gregor LIPA wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Horst BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Albert HOHENZOLLERN. Herluf BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Per BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Jens BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Paul BROSTRUP wrote a diatribe against Rafal TARNOWSKI. Lorenzo CIBO shortened the road from Foggia to Genoa to 386 miles. Innocent CIBO wrote a diatribe against Ferrante ESTE. Garin LEGIER wrote a diatribe against Ferrante ESTE. Giles LEGIER shortened the road from Brescia to Foggia to 243 miles. Kurt GOLDLI shortened the road from Carusebes to Kilia to 312 miles. Michelangelo BUONAROTTI wrote a diatribe against Ferrante ESTE. Michelangelo BUONAROTTI shortened the road from Brescia to Foggia to 235 mi. Leonardo BUONAROTTI wrote a diatribe against Ferrante ESTE. Diego LEPE shortened the road from Peking to Chinan to 193 miles. Pietro LOREDANO shortened the road from Carusebes to Kilia to 304 miles. Pietro MASSIMI wrote a diatribe against Ferrante ESTE. Lelio MASSIMI wrote a diatribe against Ferrante ESTE. Antonio GIOVANNI wrote a diatribe against Ferrante ESTE. Antonio GIOVANNI deepened the harbor at Rome to 9 feet. Leonardo VINCI shortened the road from Carusebes to Kilia to 296 miles. Oliviero CARAFFA wrote a diatribe against Ferrante ESTE. Oliviero CARAFFA shortened the road from Naples to Pavia to 214 miles. Giampietro CARAFFA shortened the road from Brescia to Foggia to 227 miles. Giambattista CARAFFA wrote a diatribe against Ferrante ESTE. Mokal CHETTY was appointed to the magistracy of Cail. Udaya CHETTY was appointed to the magistracy of Amber. Creon RANGABE shortened the road from Arbaji to Kassala to 200 miles. Pachachi MARAKKAR shortened the road from Vijayanagar to Dabhol to 263 mi. Abdalwahhab TAHIRID shortened the road from Sidon to Elat to 215 miles. Izmet YAKUBOGLU shortened the road from Adrianople to Shkoder to 311 mi. Ali SAFAVID shortened the road from Tabriz to Poti to 205 miles. Bassima SAFAVID shortened the road from Diarbekr to Sinope to 233 miles. Ihab SAFAVID shortened the road from Kerman to Naband to 217 miles. Amin ISFAHANI shortened the road from Isfahan to Mahruban to 200 miles. Ahmed HAMADANI shortened the road from Sari to Ashkhabad to 219 miles. Izmet HAMADANI shortened the road from Hamadan to Sari to 307 miles. Omar MONTAFIQ shortened the road from Samawa to Unayzah to 199 miles. Alaaldawla BAKHTISHAH shortened the road from Herat to Nishapur to 217 mi. Ali Beg PURNAK shortened the road from Firebr to Ashkhabad to 278 miles. Abdullah TULANBI shortened the road from Derbent to Astrakhan to 223 mi. Bayezid II OSMANLI shortened the road from Karaman to Scutari to 265 mi. Enver MUSTAPHA shortened the road from Brusa to Sinope to 194 miles. Antoine PERAULT wrote a diatribe against Albert HOHENZOLLERN. Norman FISHER wrote a diatribe against Albert HOHENZOLLERN.